Author Topic: Gay Messiah Michael Sam Comes to the NFL  (Read 263 times)

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Gay Messiah Michael Sam Comes to the NFL
« on: September 08, 2014, 12:01:50 am »

Gay Messiah Michael Sam Comes to the NFL

Posted on September 6, 2014 by Common Constitutionalist Filed under Bible, Christianity, Sports

Breaking News: There’s been a Messiah sighting in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. I haven’t seen it, but I guess it must be the second coming of Jesus Christ or something.

Oh wait… It’s even better. Better than Jesus you say? What could be better than him? What could be more heralded or ballyhooed?

Oh that’s right… It’s Michael Sam, who just signed to play on America’s team and now the world’s team, the Dallas Cowboys.

With much pomp and circumstance, complete with a welcoming committee and press conference, Michael Sam signed with Cowboys as a “Practice Squad Player.”

I’m certain this is the first time in history anyone has ever had a press conference for a “Practice Squad Player.”

Now, in case you don’t follow football or sports at all, Michael Sam is the first openly homosexual player to be drafted, or play in the NFL. Oh, and I forgot to mention, he’s also black!

For you non-sports fans, I’m sure the light bulb just went on.

For liberals sports writers and commentators, this is literally manna from Heaven, or from Gaia, or wherever. In just in case you are unaware, most sports writers and sports TV personalities are at least as liberal as their lefty political brethren.

So I was not surprised when I saw a column by Corey Gottlieb at entitled, “Michael Sam Could Have Changed Everything in Boston.”

He begins the article with a diatribe of his growing up in white privilege outside of Boston. Mr. Gottlieb explains that he spent immeasurable time in locker rooms and was witness to much foul language. Every other word, he says, was f**ggot.

He writes that, “Michael Sam could have changed that.” Really? Jesus couldn’t change the hearts and minds of everyone he encountered but some homosexual football player could “change” the city of Boston?

If only the New England Patriots had have picked him up. He writes: “In a city whose lifeblood is sports, the first gay male professional athlete could have been as powerful as the mayor.”

Oh yes, I agree. A lowly practice squad player would have changed the fabric of sports in Boston, despite having championship teams in every sport.

As a New England sports fan and a Patriots aficionado, believe me when I say – no one would give a rat’s ass if a player was homosexual or straight or bisexual or dressed up as a woman during team meetings. The only concern is – can he play.

But to these lefty sports writers, that strangely doesn’t seem to matter. I guess it’s not that strange when one remembers that liberals are liberals first and whatever else second.

When we recall that with the left it is optics over substance every time, it’s easy to understand that it doesn’t matter if Sam is a “wasted” roster spot and that he was released by the St. Louis Rams, at least in part, because he didn’t “practice” well. Great – a “practice” squad player who doesn’t “practice” well.

But still, Coach Bill Belichick should have taken one for the “collective” good of the community and not worry so much about “winning.”

It’s for the greater good, after all. And the fans would understand. Right!

Gottlieb writes that it’s the acceptance of the homosexual player he’s looking for. It’s “the normalcy. Not the first Michael Sam tackle or the first Michael Sam penalty, but the 15th time Vince Wilfork bear hugged Michael Sam and none of us noticed.”

Well that would be great, and personally I couldn’t care less, if he could play – but he’s not good enough to make the Rams roster much less be a perennial powerhouse like the Patriots.

Gottlieb writes that it’s more important to show young men “53 of the toughest, manliest guys in Boston and let them gradually forget that one of them is different.”

And that is the key. To the left, everyone is first divided into groups and then they demand that this or that group, which they segregated, be accepted back into society.

So, if Corey Gottlieb can find a homosexual Vince Wilfork or Tom Brady – bring him on. No one will care, and it won’t change any minds regarding homosexuality.

All we want to know is, Can the guy play? If so, the player can do what he does on the field, and then shut up and go home. No practice squad player will change any one person’s viewpoint or beliefs much less a city, but as a good liberal, I know Corey Gottlieb will keep trying.