Author Topic: If There’s No Imminent Threat To Our Southern Border, Why Is Ft. Bliss Stepping Up Security?  (Read 206 times)

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If There’s No Imminent Threat To Our Southern Border, Why Is Ft. Bliss Stepping Up Security?

Posted By Tom Fitton On 3:02 PM 09/04/2014 In | No Comments

Just hours before the start of the Labor Day weekend, Judicial Watch learned through a network of sensitive sources that an operational element of the terror army “ISIS” was active in the Mexican border city of Juarez – a stone’s throw across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas. According to our well-sourced information, the Juarez ISIS element is planning an imminent terror strike somewhere on the border. Our sources warned that a car or other vehicle-type bomb attack was planned. We learned that the warnings merited briefing the commanding general of Fort Bliss – the massive US Army post in El Paso.

While President Obama admitted to not having a strategy for ISIS, brave agents of the U.S. government along the border were furiously running down leads and working their confidential informant networks to gather information to stop the imminent border terror threat. Obama administration spokesmen in the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice claimed ignorance of “any specific threat” to the border. That ignorance may be real – but it is out of touch with the emergency protective posture that federal agency personnel are frantically putting up in our border region, which is under imminent threat of a terrorist attack. Under the Obama administration, the border has never been further from Washington, DC.

Nevertheless, two days after we published our initial terror warning report, Ft. Bliss implemented increased security measures consistent with our alert about an imminent attack.

Ft. Bliss, which is perhaps our nation’s most important domestic military base, is now a forward operating base facing a threat from Islamist terrorism as a result of our unsecure southern border.

The major media, who were quick to promote the Obama administration’s “denial” of our report detailing the real threat of a terrorist attack on the border, have yet to pick up on the extraordinary security measures taken at Ft. Bliss in recent days.

As we approach September 11, our public safety warning has boosted the morale of government security personnel on the frontlines, who are now frantically trying to prevent a deadly terrorist attack on our southern border with an urgency that is hard to overstate. Americans should not be reassured by vague denials of DC officials. But Americans can be reassured by our homeland security personnel deployed to the Mexican border – military and civilian – who are doing their best to defend our nation from this imminent threat from our Islamist enemies.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton is author of the NY Times best-seller “The Corruption Chronicles” and executive producer of the documentary “District of Corruption.”

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