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Where is the evidence?

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Where is the evidence that Obama was actually born in America?

Where is the evidence that Obama attended and GRADUATED from any of those schools he visited?

Where is the evidence that Barak Hussein Obama has ever held an American driver's license or an American passport?

Where is the evidence that Hussein and Michelle Obama are even actually married?

Where is the evidence that those two girls are from him, or from Michelle?
Where is the evidence of ANYTHING? All we have are stories and myth, with no evidence behind it. His entire history has been erased.
Show me something, anything to prove that Hussein is a real person. There is nothing but a story.
Show me something, anything. I do not want a blackout President. He is because, he is, is not an answer.
Why is there such an extreme blackout on anything about his history? Why?
Show me anything, no matter how small, that would justify how the Left worships him.
Who is he? What has he done? No one knows. And according to the Left, they do not care. He is half Black. That is all we care about.
The American Left have been played for the fools they are. And now, we shall see the reward of their stupidity.
"The thing sbout 'greed' is that it makes you a slave. You become a slave to money. You are a slave to anything and anyone, and with that, you become stupid and vulnerable."
This is our government today. This is America today.

I hope we get answers to your questions in my lifetime.  I've always suspected his mother was actually a jackal.   :nometalk:

I think that since his college days, Obama has been groomed by - maybe the Muslim Brotherhood - or some radical Muslim group to participate in the take-down of America and her conversion to a global Caliphate.  That's my Saturday morning conspiracy theory of the day.



Lando Lincoln:

--- Quote from: alicewonders on September 06, 2014, 12:31:07 pm ---I hope we get answers to your questions in my lifetime.



--- End quote ---

I think we will. We won't like the answers.


--- Quote from: Lando Lincoln on September 06, 2014, 01:44:39 pm ---I think we will. We won't like the answers.

--- End quote ---

When you pray that the truth will be revealed, sometimes you won't like the answers.  Like they say, "be careful what you wish for!"


--- Quote ---Where is the evidence that those two girls are from him, or from Michelle.
--- End quote ---
The only thing that comes close to evidence is that the older one resembles BHO. Of course, that could be thanks to a turkey baster.


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