Author Topic: Hamas Tells Israel to Forfeit Land to Pre-1967 Boundaries or Face Years of War  (Read 343 times)

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Hamas Tells Israel to Forfeit Land to Pre-1967 Boundaries or Face Years of War

Posted 32 mins ago by Dave Jolly Filed under Islam, Religion, War, World News

With Barack Obama leading the parade, the world has been condemning Israel for the current conflict between them and Hamas. It doesn’t matter to Obama or the world that Hamas started the fighting by attacking Israel first.

Since fighting has resumed, it’s been Hamas who has repeatedly broken temporary peace agreements by being the first to start launching rockets into Israeli territory. Even worse is the fact that Hamas has so little regard for the lives of civilians that they hide behind them and use them as shields against Israeli attacks. The world blames Israel for the death of the civilians, but the blame falls entirely on Hamas leadership.

Everyone says they want peace in the region but on what terms? According to Ahmed Yousef, an elder statesman with Hamas, they will agree to long term peace only if Israel concedes all of the land it took in the 1967 War and recognize an independent state of Palestine.

Yousef said in an interview:

“If there is a Palestinian state, we do not need any more war or catastrophe. We are like the rest of people in the world, we just want peaceful lives.”

“The legitimate demands of Hamas, who represent the major­ity of people in Gaza, is for an end to the occupation and for a Palestinian state along pre-1967 lines. We are prepared to have a one-state solution or a two-state solution. If we get our own state, there is no need for violence.”

Yousef was asked if Hamas would cease and renounce all violence against Israel in exchange for their own state, he responded:

“Of course. We do not enjoy fighting or killing. We are not al-Qa’ida, we are not ISIS. Unlike them, we are people defending our country and our people. We are people looking for our own state and a future for our children. Every Palestinian family has suffered one way or another.”

If that is true, then why is one of the more popular Hamas and Palestinian expressions is ‘Jerusalem is ours – WE ARE COMING’ and ‘From the River to the Sea!’ Both of those expressions refer to the Palestinian agenda of wiping Israel off the face of the earth and they will own Jerusalem and all the land to Mediterranean coast.

Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama wears a Hamas scarf with the two inscriptions on it to many formal functions. It clearly indicates that he agrees with the Palestinian sayings, which is no surprise since he works for Syrian organization that has ties to the Syrian government’s cruel dictatorship. Oh yeah, Malik is also a frequent visitor to the White House, so it shouldn’t be any surprise on how Barack feels about Israel and is open support for the Palestinian cause.

Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have long vowed to destroy Israel and anyone who believes otherwise is a fool. History supports their claims as they at war with Israel prior to the 1967 War and before Israel conquered the Gaza. I don’t think giving up their land to the Palestinians will pacify the bitter hatred between the Jews and Palestinian Muslims!