Author Topic: Obama: Beheaded American “Loved the Islamic World”  (Read 208 times)

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Obama: Beheaded American “Loved the Islamic World”
« on: September 04, 2014, 10:20:42 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Obama: Beheaded American “Loved the Islamic World”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On September 3, 2014 @ 10:48 am In The Point | 28 Comments

Why exactly did Obama find it necessary to hijack remarks about an American murdered by Jihadists with praise of Islam?

First Obama literally cuts and pastes a sentiment from his remarks about James Foley. “Like Jim Foley before him, Steve’s life stood in sharp contrast to those who have murdered him so brutally.”

I guess the speechwriters were also on vacation.

“They make the absurd claim that they kill in the name of religion, but it was Steven, his friends say, who deeply loved the Islamic world.  His killers try to claim that they defend the oppressed, but it was Steven who traveled across the Middle East, risking his life to tell the story of Muslim men and women demanding justice and dignity.”

Is Obama trying to argue that Steven Sotloff was more of a Muslim than ISIS? What’s the point of this.

Whether or not Steven loved the Islamic world, it certainly didn’t love him back. That’s why he was beheaded. The Islamic world does not love non-Muslims. It doesn’t even love Obama despite his Muslim roots and his bouts of Islamic posturing.

The Islamic world doesn’t even tolerate Muslims who don’t fit its parameters.

The story that Steven and James Foley and many other activist journalists traveled to tell was a myth. There was no army of Muslim men and women demanding justice and dignity.

Or rather what they meant by justice and dignity was… Islamic tyranny and theocracy.

Obama is perpetuating the lie that got them killed. The lie that ISIS is not Islam and that the Jihadists in Syria and elsewhere are fighting for principles we can agree on. They aren’t. And Obama knows it.

We know he knows it, because despite all his destructive policies, he chose to avoid directly providing serious weapons to Syrian rebels. He knows that any weapons he gives them will come right back at America.

So maybe it’s time he stopped telling the same lies. And then maybe fewer Americans will get their heads chopped off because they believed them.

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