Author Topic: New Prophet of Islam Jimmy Carter Says Mohammed’s Sexism was Wrong  (Read 253 times)

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New Prophet of Islam Jimmy Carter Says Mohammed’s Sexism was Wrong

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On August 31, 2014 @ 1:35 pm In The Point | 27 Comments

Jimmy Carter, the Preacherman of Malaise, moving his bankrupt creed of big government and big beheadings down to ISNA began Muslimsplaining Islam to his Muslim audience.

“I hope all of you will use the principles of Allah to bring peace and justice to all.” Carter told a crowd of about 1,000 who had paid $200 a plate to attend the fundraiser luncheon.

“One thing that all men can do is to be sure that you treat your wife as you would like to be treated yourself,” Carter said, amid cheers. “My hope is all Christians, all Muslims, all people of other faiths, even those who don’t have one, will join in this crusade to end the plight of our wives, our sisters, our daughters.”

He spoke at length about prostitution, rape on college campuses, female genital mutilation and parents in some countries strangling their daughters because they want to have sons.

Christians really need to stop strangling their daughters and cut out the genital mutilation. This is the 21st century after all. Jimmy Carter didn’t strangle Amy and we can all take an example from that.

“Men and women are created equally from one soul,” Carter said. “If you were taught by your parents or you believe you’re superior to your wife just because you’re a man, Allah says your wrong.”

Is Jimmy Carter announcing that he’s the final prophet of Islam? Because he’s contradicting Mohammed, the official final prophet of Islam.

Mohammed asked some women, “Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half that of a man?” The women said, “yes,” He said, “This is because of the deficiency of the woman’s mind. ” Vol. 3:826

Mohammed to women: “I have not seen any one more deficient in intelligence and religion than you.” Vol. 2:541

Mohammed said, “I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers are women. ” Vol. 1:28, 301; Vol. 2:161; Vol. 7:124

Mohammed said, ” Bad omen is in the woman, the house and the horse.” Vol. 7:30

This is what you get when you follow the “Principles of Allah”. I’m not even going to mention Mohammed’s rape of a little girl.

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