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Blue State Dems Hate On Nancy Pelosi
« on: August 30, 2014, 10:24:47 am »
- The Daily Caller - -

Blue State Dems Hate On Nancy Pelosi

Posted By Rachel Stoltzfoos On 2:57 PM 08/29/2014 In | No Comments

Two Democrats running for congress in West Virginia’s first and second districts took a strong stance against House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at a state Chamber of Commerce Business Summit Friday.

Asked who he’d like to see as House speaker, Rep. David McKinley, a Republican incumbent in the state’s 1st District said, “Not Nancy Pelosi,” the Charleston Daily Mail reported.

McKinley’s Democratic challenger and state auditor Glen Gainer agreed. “I wouldn’t vote for Nancy Pelosi either,” he said.

Democrat Nick Casey, who’s challenging Republican Alex Mooney for Republican Senate candidate Shelley Moore Capito’s open seat in the 2nd District, said “I cannot support and will not support Nancy Pelosi.” 

West Virginia voters have been increasingly frustrated by President Barack Obama’s “War on Coal,” forcing Democratic candidates in a state with deep Democratic roots to distance themselves from Washington. (RELATED: Protesters: President Obama’s ‘War On Coal’ Is ‘Immoral,’ ‘Outrageous’)

“If they say that they support Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House, they are sealing their electoral doom before a single ballot is cast,” A spokesperson for the National Republican Congressional Committee told The Daily Caller. ”On the other hand, if they ‘promise’ to vote against Pelosi, they are guaranteeing that they will be the last voice heard in a weak minority party and will be unable to get anything done for West Virginia.”

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