General Category > Immigration/Border

Rubio’s New Tone on Immigration Loud and Clear


Laura Meckler
The Wall Street Journal
August 28, 2014

--- Quote ---If there is any doubt that Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) has changed his tone on immigration, it was extinguished this week.

He says an Obama administration program that protects young illegal immigrants from deportation should end. He says Congress should put off any legislation addressing the undocumented immigrants until border security and other reforms are in place. And he says he wouldn’t vote for the Senate immigration bill he helped write if it were on the floor today.
--- End quote ---

Reaction from Paul Mirengoff at Powerline: Rubio flips again on immigration

I don't trust him.

Not now.
Not ever.

He's already revealed his true colors.
That says enough about him...


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