Author Topic: The Daily Caller’s Alphabet Of Racism Marches On  (Read 236 times)

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The Daily Caller’s Alphabet Of Racism Marches On
« on: August 29, 2014, 09:48:03 am »
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The Daily Caller’s Alphabet Of Racism Marches On

Posted By Rachel Stoltzfoos On 11:54 PM 08/28/2014 In | No Comments

The Daily Caller’s informative and very important alphabet of racism continues with the letters ‘Q’ and ‘R.’ If you’ve been following along you’re starting to understand that racism is everywhere all the time.

Here are 7 things beginning with the letters ‘Q’ and ‘R’ that somebody, somewhere deemed racist.

University of Michigan professor Juan Cole, a University of Michigan professor, in a blog titled “Informed Comment,” took issue with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s January demand that Palestine recognize Israel as a Jewish state, because recognizing Israel as a Jewish state is racist. If Netanyahu defines Jewishness as a genetic quality, then 300,000 Israeli’s are left out, Cole explained, but if he defines Jewishness as a matter of belief, than about 2 million Israeli’s are excluded. “Saying Israel is a ‘Jewish’ state in the sense of race would be analogous to insisting that the US is a ‘white’ state and defining Latinos as ‘brown,’” he added.

If Rick Perry were around during the civil rights movement, he definitely would not have supported desegregation, according to Chris Matthews, because Perry is an advocate for limited government and state’s rights. “Do you think [Perry would] be cheering for Ike today if he brought the troops in to desegregate the schools in Little Rock?” Matthews asked in a 2011 episode of Hardball. ”He talks about secession. He talks about states’ rights. He’s got all the idiom of the guys who hate civil rights,” he added.

When Ta-Nehisi Coates claimed Melissa Harris-Perry, who has claimed the NBA is fundamentally racist, is “America’s foremost intellectual,” Politico reporter Dylan Byers dared to question the claim, and was declared racist. “Ta-Nehisi Coates’s claim that ‘Melissa Harris-Perry is America’s foremost public intellectual’ sort of undermines his intellectual cred, no?” Beyers had tweeted. Because he had questioned the genius of a black person, Coates accused him of empowering the “machinery of racism.” Byers has “the privilege of being oblivious to questions, of never having to grapple with the everywhere; the right of false naming,” Coates wrote in The Atlantic in January.

Ronald Reagan was racist, because he dared to talk about state’s rights and the Constitution in an area close to a town where civil rights activists were killed in 1964. Everybody knew what Reagan was really saying in that speech, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert wrote in 2007. “He was tapping out the code. It was understood that when politicians started chirping about ‘states’ rights’ to white people in places like Neshoba County they were saying that when it comes down to you and the blacks, we’re with you,” Herbert said.

In a post at Counter Currents Publishing, titled “Reading is racist,” some guy named Andrew Hamilton argues that reading is racist, because you can find white supremacist material in books. “Where do most people get their ideas, values, and beliefs from, even if they are unaware of it?” he asks. Books of course. “I suspect that, overwhelmingly, most people drawn to the pro-white or anti-genocidal cause arrive at it through print,” he adds.

Sandy Banks wrote in the Los Angeles Times in 2012 that Romney voters are racist. The “Kumbaya era” is over, she lamented. “When those flag-waving [Romney] voters are asked what they mean, their take on the president makes it clear: He’s Kenyan-born, he’s a closet Muslim, he has European-socialist tendencies,” she wrote. “No one is using the N-word these days. The ‘foreign’ label is its proxy — a signal that Obama is the ‘other’ in a nation trying to come to grips with seismic economic changes and unsettling demographic shifts.”

When Georgia Republicans tried to move elections from November to July, the NAACP cried racism, because rescheduling elections used to be a Jim Crow tactic and is therefore racist. Republicans argued the move was an effort to establish consistency with other local elections, but local Democrats know better, MSNBC reported. “It’s a maneuver to suppress our voting participation,” Dr. Charles Smith, the president of Augusta’s NACCP branch, told MSNBC.

Get up to speed on the rest of The Daily Caller’s alphabet of racism:

The Letter ‘A’

The Letter ‘B’

The Letter ‘C’

The Letter ‘D’

The Letter ‘E’

The Letter ‘F’

The Letter ‘G’

The Letter ‘H’

The Letter ‘I’

The Letters ‘J’ And ‘K’

The Letter ‘L’

The Letters ‘M’ And ‘N’

The Letter ‘O’

The Letter ‘P’

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