Author Topic: Muslim Abuse of 1400 British Girls: “No One Wanted to Rock the Multicultural Community Boat”  (Read 305 times)

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Muslim Abuse of 1400 British Girls: “No One Wanted to Rock the Multicultural Community Boat”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On August 27, 2014 @ 7:43 pm In The Point | 12 Comments

Maintaining a happy multicultural community boat is easy. You just never check underneath the waterline and ignore any screams you here.

The rest takes care of itself.

Denis MacShane, the former Labour MP for Rotherham, told the BBC: “I think there was a culture of not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat if I may put it like that.”

Admitting he had been guilty of doing too little, he said he had been aware of the problem of cousin marriage and “the oppression of women within bits of the Muslim community in Britain” but: “Perhaps yes, as a true Guardian reader, and liberal leftie, I suppose I didn’t want to raise that too hard.”

And of course no one wanted to expose the abuse of 1,400 British girls because it might provide ammo to the EDL.

Several councillors interviewed believed that by opening up these issues they could be ‘giving oxygen’ to racist perspectives that might in turn attract extremist political groups and threaten community cohesion. To some extent this concern was valid, with the apparent targeting of the town by groups such as the English Defence League.

It’s impossible not to share that incredulous fury. Powerless white working-class girls were caught between a hateful, imported culture of vicious misogyny on the one hand, and on the other a culture of chauvinism among the police, who regarded them as worthless slags. Officials trained up in diversity and political correctness failed to acknowledge what was effectively white slavery on their doorstep.

Much too embarrassing to concede that it wasn’t white people who were committing racist hate crimes in this instance.

Not exactly a new phenomenon. Is it? White working class populations caught between the creed of diversity and the rock of circumstances.

Equally horrifying is the suggestion that certain Pakistani councillors asked social workers to reveal the addresses of the shelters where some of the abused girls were hiding.

Front-line youth workers who submitted reports in 2002, 2003 and 2006 expressing their alarm at the scale of the child sex-offending say the town hall told them to keep quiet about the ethnicity of the perpetrators in the interests of “community cohesion”.

That is horrifying, though I saw no mention of it in the report, if so it absolutely needs to be followed up as they were clearly part of the sex abuse rings, which the report documents became economic in nature, dragging in a Muslim taxi ring, among others.

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