Author Topic: USC CB Josh Shaw Hurts Himself Saving Nephew…Or Beating Girlfriend  (Read 368 times)

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USC CB Josh Shaw Hurts Himself Saving Nephew…Or Beating Girlfriend

Posted By Seth Richardson On 5:01 PM 08/26/2014 In | No Comments

University of Southern California cornerback Josh Shaw is a real American hero. He’s currently sidelined with two high ankle sprains after jumping out of a second story window to save his drowning cousin who was in a pool but couldn’t swim, according to ESPN.

“I would do it again for whatever kid it was, it did not have to be my nephew,” Shaw told ESPN. “My ankles really hurt, but I am lucky to be surrounded by the best trainers and doctors in the world. I am taking my rehab one day at a time, and I hope to be back on the field as soon as possible.”

USC Coach Steve Sarkisian rained praise on Shaw and his selfless actions.

“That was a heroic act by Josh, putting his personal safety aside. But that’s the kind of person he is,” Sarkisian said. “It is unfortunate that he’ll be sidelined for a while and we will miss his leadership and play, but I know he’ll be working hard to get back on the field as soon as possible.”

We need more athletes like this. Heroically risking their own lives for the sake of others. Shaw’s a true stand up guy.

Except he might not be.

ESPN reported Tuesday afternoon that Shaw’s story was now coming into question. Sarkisian said he’d received several phone calls saying the story was garbage.

Apparently police are investigating the matter and Shaw may have been involved in a domestic abuse case before jumping out of a third story window.


Sources: Josh Shaw was involved in an incident involving domestic abuse & jumped off a 3rd story window while running from LAPD. #USC

— Heather Brittany (@HeatherBrit) August 26, 2014


Whatever the case, Sarkisian said he gets calls about football players all the time and he’s not surprised that the accounts differ.

“We have to do our due diligence and vet everything, and we’ll handle it internally,” he said Tuesday while addressing the media. “We’ll see what happens with this one and move forward and give you guys an update.”

What’s even funnier is if USC hadn’t jumped the gun and announced to everyone Shaw was a hero, they likely wouldn’t have needed to investigate.

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