Author Topic: Gov. Jerry Brown Announces Collapse of California and Ultimately the U.S.  (Read 240 times)

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Gov. Jerry Brown Announces Collapse of California and Ultimately the U.S.

Posted August 26, 2014 1:24 pm by PatriotRising with 0 comments

On Tuesday California Gov. Jerry Brown met with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in Sacramento.

A day prior to the meeting in the California capitol, Brown announced the collapse of the United States and the elimination of its national borders when he declared California to be wide-open to illegal immigration.


“You’re all welcome in California today,” Brown said in Los Angeles on Monday.


Nieto characterized the influx of illegal immigrants as justice for “those who contribute so much to the development of the American society.”


In reality, the influx spells the destruction of American society. Brown’s welcoming of a flood of new illegal immigrants and Nieto’s insistence crossing the border represents social justice will ultimately deal a fatal blow to not only the state, but the nation as a whole.


The growth of illegal and legal immigrants – between 1970 and 2008 the share of California’s population comprised of immigrants tripled from 9 percent to 27 percent – has turned California into a failed state.


It will soon do the same for the country as a whole.


California: A Socialist Dystopia


In February, Democrats signaled yet another assail on the economic viability of the state when they proposed legislation allows illegal immigrants to qualify for healthcare coverage under Medicare.


California is on record as the largest welfare state in the country. The state has one-eighth of the nation’s population and one-third of all welfare recipients.


In 2011 Judicial Watch cited U.S. Census Bureau data to show that families headed up by illegal immigrants are more likely to use welfare programs.


“Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives,” the organization explained. “Basically, the majority of households across the country benefitting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both legal and illegal.”


In Los Angeles County alone during 2013, $650 million was spent on welfare benefits for illegal immigrants, according to Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich of the Department of Public Social Services.


In addition to unbridled welfare benefits, illegal immigrants are provided with in-state tuition breaks. Nearly a decade ago, this scheme, according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, would cost besieged taxpayers around $289 million a year.


California Paradigm


Democrats understand the capital harvested from wide open borders and liberal welfare and healthcare policies – both translate into a political monopoly. Overwhelming numbers of Hispanics vote Democrat. “Hispanics of all ages in the U.S. today are more than twice as likely to identify with or lean to the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party,” Gallup reported in 2013.


“The immigration proposal pending in Congress would transform the nation’s political landscape for a generation or more — pumping as many as 11 million new Hispanic voters into the electorate a decade from now in ways that, if current trends hold, would produce an electoral bonanza for Democrats and cripple Republican prospects in many states they now win easily,” Politico reported last April.


This political monopoly will, however, come at a tremendous cost. According to one study, the cost to U.S. taxpayers of legalizing the current flood of illegal immigrants would be approximately 6.3 trillion dollars over the next 50 years.


Destruction of American Culture


In addition to destroying the economic base of the nation and ultimately impoverishing Americans, unbridled illegal and unrestrained legal immigration will accomplish a primary goal held by the global elite – the destruction of American culture and its heritage grounded in the principles of liberty, private property and individual sovereignty.


“Besides the successful culture of independence, Obama hates the white nature of America,” writes L. Todd Wood. “He is attempting to manage the ethnicity of America and quicken the demise of the white majority. He is attempting to crowd out the American culture of self-reliance and the rule of law with the culture of gang violence of Central America dependent on the federal government. This is a racist strategy that only Hitler could be proud of.”


It is also a strategy the global elite are proud of. If the culture of liberty and the drive for economic prosperity can be successfully destroyed and Americans reduced to third world serfs, the plan for one world government and domination can be realized.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 09:49:49 am by rangerrebew »

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Got to post it again: