Author Topic: White Guilt Could be Hazardous to Your Health  (Read 263 times)

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White Guilt Could be Hazardous to Your Health
« on: August 25, 2014, 05:20:41 pm »
White Guilt Could be Hazardous to Your Health

21 Aug    Posted by Milton in Uncategorized | Comments 
BQI Editor’s Note

We all know of the incredible depths of liberal hypocrisy. From protesting the death sentence to fighting vigorously for all forms of abortion to worshiping at the throne of global warming and then flying around in gas guzzling private jets; the “left” if nothing else, is a study of what is bad and awful for America.

In most cases, liberals/Progressives are insulated from having to live with their failed policies and ideology. But every so often irony is at play and when it does it could cause one to think “…revenge is a dish best served cold and irony is not a coincidence.”

Liberals believe the Second Amendment is passé and out dated. With recent events in Ferguson, Missouri it’s only a matter of time before the left renews its demand for more gun control especially as a woman’s issue, using gun control as a strategy to address the false narrative of gun violence as another example of the war on women.

Without wishing harm on anyone, I wonder how this liberal would react if the following incident actually occurred.

White Guilt Could be Hazardous to Your Health

by Michael Taylor

You are a Beautiful Young White “Guilt Ridden” Liberal Female College Student living alone 10mi from Ferguson…

You’ve just Returned Hot and Sweaty from Marching in Ferguson Against the Police and in solidarity with the black thugs right to Loot to express their anger…

It’s 2am and you’ve just got out of the Shower and are standing in front of your mirror dripping wet and butt naked admiring the fruits of your daily workouts and your vegan diet…

When you suddenly Hear the Voices of Multiple thugs outside your bathroom door who have come to Rob and Gang Rape You…

You have No Way to defend yourself because Weapons are highly offensive to you, and you have been taught that the Police you hate will save you…

In absolute Horror, with hands trembling you frantically grab your cell phone to call 911 but your wet fingers are preventing you from unlocking your phone…

After multiple tries you finally unlock the phone and dial 911…

Your Only Defense…

After 5 rings, the anticipation of someone answering has you hyperventilating…

After 8 rings your body is experiencing a Full Blown Panic Attack as the thugs are now trying to breach your paper thin locked bathroom door…

911 isn’t answering due to being overwhelmed from the rioting and Looting going on 10mi away and even “if” they answered all available police sources are gathered in Ferguson…

Suddenly, your Bathroom Door gets kicked in knocking you back into the tub where your naked body falls into the tub…

As you look up to 4 young black “Swisher Sweet” males in bandanas your terror has you so gripped no sound comes from your screams…

The only thing you hear is ME FIRST bleep!!!

As two black thugs aggressively grab each of your ankles and drag you out of the tub and onto the bathroom floor your head jammed against the base of your toilet…

The Smell of Sweat, Weed, and Stolen Liquor fill your Bathroom and overwhelm your senses as all 4 thugs standing over you begin unzipping their jeans…

Still gripping your unanswered cell phone as two Michael Brown sized thugs attempt to mount you at the same time…

Your Whole life flashes before your eyes…

You Wonder Why Everything your parent’s and your University has indoctrinated into your Brain is failing you now…

Suddenly at this terrifying moment, the True Value of the 2nd Amendment to the “individual” NOT The Collective is abundantly clear to you…


It has come too late to save you…
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