Author Topic: Andrea Tantaros: Only Way To Solve Radical Islam “Is With A Bullet To The Head”  (Read 225 times)

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Andrea Tantaros: Only Way To Solve Radical Islam “Is With A Bullet To The Head”

08.21.2014 | Jerome Hudson | 1
Fox's Tantaros On Journalist's Beheading: Muslims 'Have Been Doing This For Hundreds And Hundreds Of Years'


I sure wish Obama was as direct as Fox News Channel host Andrea Tantaros was in respect to how handle the murderous terror group ISIS.

Tantaros unloaded on Obama for his mishandling of Islamic terrorism.

She suggested that Obama send the U.S. military to wherever ISIS  is and “flatten them.”

“Last night we should have taken out 10,000 ISIS fighters, and warned them that ‘if you kill that other journalist, we will be back and we will wipe out 10,000 more, and we will continue to decimate you with aggressive air war until we obliterate every single one of you, period, end story.’”

That “other journalist” that Tantaros was referring to is an American named Steven Sotloff, who is also being held hostage by ISIS.

The same Youtube video that shows the beheading of James Foley, also shows an ISIS member warning Obama that the life of Sotloff “depends” on his next decision.

ISIS has “been doing this for hundreds and hundreds of years, if you study the history of Islam,” Tantaros added.

“This isn’t a surprise, you can’t solve it with a dialogue, you can’t solve it with a summit, you solve it with a bullet to the head.”