Author Topic: Terrorist-Supporting Kent State Professor’s Incendiary, Anti-Semitic Facebook Posts  (Read 322 times)

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Terrorist-Supporting Kent State Professor’s Incendiary, Anti-Semitic Facebook Posts

Posted By Paula Bolyard On August 21, 2014 @ 2:59 am In Education | 15 Comments

Kent State University associate professor of history Julio Pino is well known for his anti-Semitic, jihad-supporting views. In 2002 the Cuban-born convert to Islam wrote a poem published in the Kent Stater that praised a female suicide bomber in Israel, saying her actions should be “pronounced ‘justice’ and spelled C-O-U-R-A-G-E.” In 2007, at the same time he was on the payroll of Ohio taxpayers as a tenured professor, he was also writing for Global War, a now defunct blog that supported violent global jihad. In 2011, Pino made news after he shouted ”Death to Israel” when an Israeli diplomat spoke at a campus event sponsored by the Jewish Hillel organization.

In early August of this year, Pina wrote an open letter to his fellow academics who support Israel, holding them “directly responsible for the murder of over 1,400 Palestinian children, women and elderly civilians over the past month.” Pino said, “Your names are scrawled on every bullet fired, bomb dropped, body buried and burnt forehead in Gaza. May your names become a curse word on the lips of every justice-loving person on earth, along with ‘Obama’ and ‘Netanyahu.’” He accused his fellow academics of being fascist collaborators and ended with a veiled threat saying, “We both know the fate of collaborators.” Pino signed the letter with a Che Guevara slogan: “Hasta la victoria siempre!” (“Until Victory, Always!”), and added, “Jihad until victory!”

While Kent State has, over the years, condemned Pino’s actions and violent rhetoric, it has not announced any official disciplinary actions against Pino for his incendiary rhetoric and attacks on Jewish and pro-Israel members of the campus community. The university called his most recent statements “reprehensible” and irresponsible” and said that “at Kent State, we value collegiality and mutual respect. Assailing the public with broad statements of culpability violates these principles.”

The toothless condemnations from the university have done little to quell Pino’s zeal for terrorist causes and the destruction of Israel, if his recent Facebook posts are any indication.

Pino’s profile picture shows protesters draped in Hamas flags.

Pro-Hamas and anti-Israel messages are a common theme on Pino’s Facebook page.

“When you say ‘Death to Israel’ you mean death to occupation, death to apartheid, death to oppression.”

“History repeating itself?”

“MESSAGE MY WAY FROM ZION: While we were educating the world your parents and their ancestors were giving BLOW JOBS to apes!! THAT’S A FACT jack!!”


“Can only smuggle a few lines out: viva Hamas! Destroy Israel!”

After the U.S. launched airstrikes on Iraq earlier this month, Julio Pino warned that the U.S. would soon be on the receiving end of a (well-deserved?) attack by ISIS.


 In one especially abhorrent post, Pino called Swedish furniture company IKEA his “nemesis” after they donated money for mattresses and quilts for those who have fled their homes seeking protection from ISIS.

This week Pino warned anyone who was considering protesting outside his home that he would be ready for them.

“THIS JUST IN: ‘Does anybody know Pino’s home address? Maybe we could picket him in the way labor does.’ Yeah, and say hello to my little friend from the basement, Comrade AK.”

On August 17, Pino railed against “bourgeois” education and the university system that pays his taxpayer-funded salary (average Kent State associate professor salary is $80,132 for 9 months plus another $25,000 in benefits).

Pino also made it clear this week that he has no intentions of working with any Israeli sympathizers, beginning with faculty members at Kent State.

“Collaborate with no one who collaborates with Israel, and let her or him know why. I have started with the head of our ‘Religious Studies’ program, who sends student-dupes to Israel every year.”

Kent State has policies in place prohibiting harassment on the basis of religion and national origin that include harassment “through any means, including electronic.” The policies apply to all faculty members and make it clear that “taunts, epithets/slurs, defacing property and/or items that demonstrate hostility to a person’s protected class” are unlawful. Also unlawful are intimidation, ridicule and insults that create “an intimidating, hostile or offensive working and/or learning environment.”

Maybe someone should ask Dr. Pino what the Koran says about gay marriage. Maybe then the school’s Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion would take an interest in what he has to say and find something in the fine print of the harassment policy that would allow them to fire Pino from his cushy, taxpayer-funded job where he gets paid to spew hate and anti-American nonsense to impressionable students.


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