Author Topic: The List of Obama’s Attacks on our Republic  (Read 239 times)

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The List of Obama’s Attacks on our Republic
« on: August 22, 2014, 05:00:57 pm »

The List of Obama’s Attacks on our Republic

By Onan Coca   / 21 August 2014   / 96 Comments   
I just got a great reminder email from Niger Innis, the Director of the Tea Party.Net. The reminder is of all the evil done to our nation by President Obama and his minions. Here’s the short list from the folks at theTeaParty.Net.

Black Panther voter intimidation. RESULT - DOJ looked the other way, no charges filed, no prosecution.

Failing to label the Fort Hood shootings as a terrorist event. RESULT: Victims are denied Purple Heart benefits and many are hurting for money while the terrorist shooter Nidal Malik Hasan receives over $278,000 from the government in salary.

Running untracked guns into Mexico to gangs and drug cartels in the botched Fast & Furious gun running operation in an attempt to attack the Second Amendment. RESULT: Death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican citizens.

benghazi-liarsDenying help to Ambassador Stevens and his team at Benghazi. Choosing to fall asleep while they were under attack. RESULT: FOUR dead Americans

America will either survive this thrashing by Barack Obama or she will wither away and be but a mere memory. Are you willing to look your children and grand-children in the eye and say to them, "I wish I could have done more for your freedom?" Stand with us in this fight for freedom and the future of America.

Benghazi Cover-up. Out of control czar appointments. Lavish vacations. ObamaCare.

Apologizing for American exceptionalism. Bowing before our enemies. Insulting our friends. Advertising food stamps in foreign countries. Suing states for daring to exercise Constitutional state sovereignty.

Bankrupting the country by doubling the debt. Bypassing Congress and ignoring our system of checks and balances. Collection of DNA samples after any arrest regardless of whether you are actually charged with a crime.

Race baiting. Pitting Americans against each other. Funding the Muslim Brotherhood with taxpayer dollars. Failing to call terrorism what it is.


Using the IRS as a political weapon to harass and intimidate Tea Party groups and conservatives. Attacking reporters for doing their jobs. Seizing phone records of the press. Seizing phone records of millions of innocent Americans. Rewarding liars, thieves, and crooks with prominent cabinet positions.

Wow, that is quite a list...

Mr. Innis and the good people at TeaParty.Net are working hard to defeat the liberal policies of President Obama and the Democrats. If you’d like to help them fight – you can check out their donation page here.