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Homeland Security Warns Ahead Of ‘National Day Of Rage’
« on: August 21, 2014, 09:49:50 am »
- The Daily Caller - -

Homeland Security Warns Ahead Of ‘National Day Of Rage’

Posted By Chuck Ross On 8:37 PM 08/20/2014 In | No Comments

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has issued a bulletin drawing attention to the hactivist group Anonymous’ plans for nationwide protests against the police shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.

The group has called for a “National Day of Rage” on Thursday to span 38 major U.S. cities.

The Threat Management Division of the Federal Protective Service issued the bulletin.

“Currently there is no indication that protests are expected to become violent. However, recent protests in Ferguson have resulted in violence, property damage and subsequent arrests,” the bulletin reads.

Brown was shot by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9. Wilson reportedly claims Brown assaulted and charged after him. Some witnesses claim that Brown was surrendering when Wilson fired. (RELATED: Claim: Darren Wilson Suffered Fractured Eye Socket)

“Current civil unrest associated with the incident in Ferguson, MO, presents the potential for civil disobedience directed toward identifiable law enforcement personnel, marked law enforcement equipment and government facilities associated with law enforcement during the identified protest times and dates,” it continues.

One complaint made by protesters, the media and Anonymous is that police in Ferguson have not only failed to provide transparency to the events surrounding the shooting but that they have also dealt harshly with the demonstrations by using tear gas, rubber bullets, military vehicles and curfews to keep the crowds at bay.

In its bulletin, the Federal Protective Service went to great lengths to remind agencies to respect peaceful demonstrators’ rights.

“FPS personnel are reminded the Department of Homeland Security does not consider non-violent civil disobedience tactics to constitute criminal activities. Absent a specific actionable threat, you should refer to the list of suspicious activity indicators in identifying and mitigating threats,” the bulletin reads.

“We are Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us, once again,” the hacker collective threatened in a video it posted Tuesday.

Besides generating outrage, mostly on Twitter, the group has also tried to play sleuth in its attempt to determine the name of the officer who shot Brown. Darren Wilson was named as the shooter last Friday. But prior to that, Anonymous published the names of at least two other people not involved in the case. (RELATED: Hacker Group Suspended After Tweeting The Wrong Name In Michael Brown Shooting)

“It is unacceptable for an officer to be named and then let go. St. Louis County identified Darren Wilson as Mike Brown’s murderer, yet he has not been charged or prosecuted. In addition, reports say that if he is charged it won’t happen for another few months. This is not justice,” they continued. (RELATED: Preliminary Report: Over A Dozen Witnesses Back Darren Wilson’s Story)

“The truth is we cannot sit still and watch as protesters and journalists are arrested and shot at simply for raising their voices in unison and demanding that justice be served.”

“Aug. 21 is our day to rise up. Our presence will continue unless our demands are met,” the group threatened in their video.

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Offline LambertLunatic

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Re: Homeland Security Warns Ahead Of ‘National Day Of Rage’
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2014, 11:18:58 am »
Clean your weapons, folks.

Offline Fishrrman

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Re: Homeland Security Warns Ahead Of ‘National Day Of Rage’
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2014, 02:18:40 am »
[[ Homeland Security Warns Ahead Of ‘National Day Of Rage’...]]

Sounds like it's yet in the planning stages.

I wonder who's doing the "planning" ???


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- The Daily Caller - -

Anonymous Day Of Rage Over Michael Brown Fizzles Nationwide As Ragers Fail To Materialize

Posted By Eric Owens On 1:35 AM 08/22/2014 In | No Comments

Thursday’s “National Day Of Rage” planned by the hacktivist group Anonymous against the Aug. 9 police shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. failed to materialize in any remotely significant way.

Anonymous had called for a protest in 37 cities. A Facebook posting dated Thursday shows that organizers had also envisioned nationwide protests in the early evening in dozens of additional cities — everywhere from Helena, Mont. (pop. 29,134) to Perryville, Mo. (pop. 8,225)

The protests were a huge dud.

A smattering of dedicated protesters showed up in front of the White House, demanding the arrest of Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot Brown. The rally was largely overshadowed by a separate demonstration by Code Pink about hula “hoops not bombs,” according to The Hill.

Downtown Tampa saw about 30 protesters. Maybe 20 people showed up in Denver. The scenes were about the same in Boston and Baltimore.

The edge of downtown Des Moines saw about 20 protesters hoisting signs and holding up their hands, reports The Des Moines Register.

“Is nobody else coming to #Oakland #DayOfRage besides the Oakland Police?” asked Twitter user Minister Flashes.

A Facebook user indicated that there were “15 strong in Spokane at the moment!”

Even in St. Louis, only about 12 miles from the suburb where Brown was shot, the “Day of Rage” fizzled. “I’m heading out of the park,” declared Twitter user Shay Horse.

In downtown Chicago, the Anonymous-planned event was slated to occur at 6 p.m. in front of the Richard J. Daley Center — by the “The Picasso,” a large untitled sculpture.

A couple dozen people showed up, chanting the now-famous mantra “hands up, don’t shoot.”

“It was real peaceful,” a Daley Center security officer told The Daily Caller. “It wasn’t anything major.”

Another security officer who witnessed the small rally agreed.

“It was unremarkable,” the second man told TheDC. “The last one was about 600 people.”

A few extra police officers showed up for the event.

“It was really nothing,” one of the cops told TheDC as he sat in an idling SUV. “It was all good.”

As a dusky twilight settled on the Second City, three people — perhaps in their twenties — arrived on Daley Center plaza. They had come from Dowagiac, Mich. They were late.

“I have my mask in my bag,” one of the three protest tourists, a woman named Constance, told TheDC.

She pulled out her Guy Fawkes mask and slipped it briefly over her face. She said she acquired the mask at a protest in Michigan concerning medical marijuana dispensaries about a year and a half ago. Someone was handing them out for free.

Constance said she, her cousin and a friend had made the two-hour drive to Chicago because they are critical of the judicial process.

“I don’t believe the prosecutor or the judge will convict,” she explained as she unwrapped a fresh pack of Newports. “I really wish it would go differently.”

As the bells of the First Methodist Church on Washington Street tolled the 8 o’clock hour, the plaza in front of the Daley Center was deserted except for a couple likely homeless guys sitting with their heads down on the scattered patio tables and four pigeons heating their feathers beside the eternal flame memorializing American soldiers who have died in battle.

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