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I admire teachers. No surprise there, I was one for nearly 10 years, and got rated highly by my students, less so by my superiors. Apparently telling them the truth and making lessons fun was frowned on. Must have missed that memo.  :shrug:

There is a gentle art to it. Lead the students on, make them think. Discuss the whichness of the why for a full period. That is the civ way. It works. It's polite, respectful, and, with a good teacher, not a time server, gets the kids to think. Kicks up their imagination and creativity. Drives their parents nuts, which is a huge bonus. "Hey, you dump 30 kids on me, I am gonna make damned sure they dump 30 million questions on you."

Then, there is the Army way, where gentle is giving a back hand rather than a fist. I got reminded of the rather stark contrast in teaching styles this morning, while watching a bunch of recruits doing their first drop. Yet there is a harder way of teaching. You beat the idea into the student.

There are some students in the middle east that need teaching. Their education is sorely lacking.


--- Quote from: EC on August 17, 2014, 12:54:35 pm ---I admire teachers. No surprise there, I was one for nearly 10 years, and got rated highly by my students, less so by my superiors. Apparently telling them the truth and making lessons fun was frowned on. Must have missed that memo.  :shrug:

There is a gentle art to it. Lead the students on, make them think. Discuss the whichness of the why for a full period. That is the civ way. It works. It's polite, respectful, and, with a good teacher, not a time server, gets the kids to think. Kicks up their imagination and creativity. Drives their parents nuts, which is a huge bonus. "Hey, you dump 30 kids on me, I am gonna make damned sure they dump 30 million questions on you."

Then, there is the Army way, where gentle is giving a back hand rather than a fist. I got reminded of the rather stark contrast in teaching styles this morning, while watching a bunch of recruits doing their first drop. Yet there is a harder way of teaching. You beat the idea into the student.

There are some students in the middle east that need teaching. Their education is sorely lacking.

--- End quote ---

 Professional academics for the most part don't like those with real world experience invading their territory.

I certainly had a mixed bag of teachers when I was in the school system.  Some I loved, some I hated. 

Some were pure evil, others loved children and making learning fun.  This was back in the days when we got paddlings and some physical punishment was acceptable.  But anyway, the best teachers were the ones that got a certain look in their eye when they taught, a look that said, "I feel passionate about this and you will too!"

I never got a teaching degree, but I have taught a few times.  My favorite was teaching first and second graders Sunday School, and in the summer, Vacation Bible School.  The other time I taught at a college - an evening class in Antiques.  The kids were easy and fun - LOTS of crafts and hands on fun while you learn stuff.  The adults in my Antiques class were a little more challenging - how to not have a boring class talking about antiques......blah, blah, blah.

So I ended up bringing in people I knew that have these terrific collections of things - and collectors are people that have a VAST knowledge of something - so we all learned from that.  And the other thing I did was FIELD TRIPS.  Local museums, historical neighborhoods and houses - seeing history and understanding the tools and everyday items they used for living life before all of the conveniences we have now.

So, I think the best teachers have to love what they do - and not do it because it pays well and has good benefits - but do it because they love sharing knowledge and would do it even for free if they could. 


--- Quote from: EC on August 17, 2014, 12:54:35 pm ---

There are some students in the middle east that need teaching. Their education is sorely lacking.

--- End quote ---

There sure are.  They're bullies and they intimidate into submission.  The way you handle a bully is you beat the shit out of them.  They will almost always leave you alone after that.

Best thing for me? I taught chemistry and physics. When you'd suddenly see that look in their eyes when they got the concept - it's priceless. You can almost hear the click as it all comes together.  :laugh:

Makes all the crap worth while.


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