Author Topic: Obama’s DOJ Silent as New Black Panthers Leader Incites Violence in Ferguson  (Read 349 times)

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Obama’s DOJ Silent as New Black Panthers Leader Incites Violence in Ferguson

Posted By Freedom Outpost On August 16, 2014 @ 3:52 pm In Crime/Police State,Editor's Choice,Featured,Political Gamesmanship,Politically Correct,Videos and Media | 1 Comment

by Tim Brown

The leader of the New Black Panthers is instigating more violence in Ferguson, following the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown [2] and the Federal Bureau of Investigations says it is concerned.

The FBI is concerned members of the New Black Panther Party are in Ferguson and advocating violence against police.

According to an alert from the St. Louis Division of the FBI the National Chief of Staff of the New Black Panther Party is in Ferguson.  Chawn Kweli and other members of the NBPP are in town to respond to the shooting of Michael Brown.

This is part of a Facebook status posted by Kweli, “This is the hour all the greats promised.  If you die, die like a warrior.  I’ll see you on the ground.”

Roche Madden, a reporter with the local Fox affiliate tweeted:

Al Sharpton, race baiter extraordinaire arrived on the scene in Ferguson, not to calm the people down till the facts come out, but instead to do exactly what he and others did during the Trayvon Martin media circus, get social justice like a pack of wild dogs. We are a nation of laws, not vigilantes.

The New Black Panthers produced a list of demands for police.

Among those demands were:

1.The officer involved in the shooting death of Michael Brown be IMMEDIATELY identified.
2.The same officer should be immediately fired and charged with murder.
3.The Ferguson Police Department “Protocol Handbook” be distributed throughout the Ferguson community.
4.The racial composition of the Ferguson Police Department should reflect the racial demographics of the community.

It appears to me the only racists in this entire thing are the New Black Panthers and their accomplices in the Obama administration. Whatever happened to “not judging a person by the color of their skin but by the content of their character? [5] I thought people like Jesse Jackson was supposed to have been a disciple of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Why is he not speaking out against this kind of talk? It’s because he backs it because he and his ilk profit from the demoralization and suffering of the black community.

And now it’s been learned the Brown may have actually been involved in a robbery [6] shortly before his being fatally shot.

Keep in mind that Attorney General Eric Holder let these guys off the hook back in August of 2012 for threatening to kill all white people. Take a listen to the unlawful statements of New Black Panthers King Samir Shabazz. *Warning* Graphic language.

Can you imagine if white people said this in public? Holder and his team would be all over them, charging them with hate crimes! The hypocrisy of this administration is astonishing.

Shabazz had plans for the New Black Panthers to create inner city militaries that would murder white people and even enter nurseries and murder white babies. This is the criminal conduct that Attorney General Eric Holder allowed to go free from prosecution to terrorize entire neighborhoods.

While Shabazz has claimed that white people have been the ones pushing “crack, AIDS and unemployment” on black people as a war to “exterminate” them, he fails to realize the very Judas’ in his own community who have been active to kill off black people. He fails to realize how Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been at the forefront, along with people like Barack Obama and Eric Holder in painting blacks in a bad light, keeping them on welfare and encouraging them to murder their own children by means of abortion. They encourage the thug lifestyles popularized by the likes of Jay-Z [7] and the pornographic actions and lyrics of his wife Beyonce [8], who claims to be a Christian, but her fruit is absolutely rotten.

They forget that FDR laughed as he said he would have them voting democrat. They forget that the likes of Margaret Sanger and many in the eugenics movement sought purposefully to eliminate the black community by abortion and through members of the community killing their brothers. If you have not seen it, I would highly recommend the DVD Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America [9] and learn exactly who is responsible for the desires of the extermination of blacks. You might be surprised.

In the end, this isn’t about race. We are all one blood [10]. The Scriptures teach us that we all came from our first parents Adam and Eve. Through them, God showed tremendous diversity of the human race even though all men fell into sin in Adam. However, in Jesus Christ we are to be one new man (Eph 2:11-22). Therefore, let’s put the racial divides aside and start treating one another with love and respect each other as we are all (red, yellow, black and white) made in the image of God.

About Tim Brown

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at [12], husband to his wife, father of 10, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. Tim is also an affiliate for the brand new Joshua Mark 5 AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle [13]. Follow Tim on Twitter [14].

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Contributed by Freedom Outpost of [12].

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[1] Image:

[2] shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown:

[3] reports:

[4] Image:

[5] not judging a person by the color of their skin but by the content of their character?:

[6] may have actually been involved in a robbery:

[7] Jay-Z:

[8] Beyonce:

[9] Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America:

[10] We are all one blood:

[11] Joe Newby:


[13] Joshua Mark 5 AR/AK hybrid semi-automatic rifle:

[14] Twitter:

[15] The Daily Sheeple:

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Is  this the fool that lives with his granny? '
 :silly:'he may scare city folks but not out here in the boonies
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