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More Proof Racism Is EVERYWHERE All The Time
« on: August 17, 2014, 09:17:45 am »
- The Daily Caller - -

More Proof Racism Is EVERYWHERE All The Time

Posted By Rachel Stoltzfoos On 8:52 PM 08/16/2014 In | No Comments

The Daily Caller’s Alphabet of Racism pushes on with the latest collection of stuff you might not know is racist. Here are seven things starting with the letter ‘O’ that someone, somewhere has deemed racist.

In a piece titled “Is it racist to date only people of your own race?” with the sub headline “Yes,” a Slate writer complains about the ability of okCupid users to specify the races they’re interested in dating. Apparently only dating people of your own race is racist. The writer was struck that many users willingly and publicly answered the question, “Would you strongly prefer to go out with someone of your own skin color/racial background?” Those who answer the question, the writer pointed out, should “reflect on them, and on how there might be more to fighting racism than voting ‘the right way.’”

Only dating people of a different race is racist, according to a feminist magazine you’ve never heard of, because all exclusionary racial preferences are wrong. Unlike sexual orientation, the piece takes pains to explain, racial preferences are not genetic and you were NOT born that way. “Lady Gaga isn’t going to pop out of the woodwork to vindicate your prejudiced bleep behavior,” the piece explains. So if you rule out any race, including your own, that’s apparently racist.

The University of Mississippi’s beloved nickname ‘Ole Miss’ is racist, according to a few of the school’s overly sensitive administrators. An August report released by Chancellor Dan Jones — detailing six ways to make the campus more inclusive — suggested the nickname be used more appropriately. The problem with the nickname is that it was originally used by slaves to describe a plantation owner’s wife. In particular, some people wanted the use of the term in the school’s email domain removed. “If I could do one thing, the place would never be called Ole Miss again,” a history professor told The New York Times in February. (RELATED: Ole Miss’s E-mail Domain Is Apparently Racist)

New York Education Commissioner John King implied opposing Common Core is racist in a speech on the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education in May. He tied the struggles of students facing desegregation then to students facing a schools without Common Core now. ”This is about taking responsibility for educating every single child no matter what his or her race, background or economic status,” he said. “By retreating from accountability and allowing children at risk to slip through the cracks, advocates of lower standards deny us the talents of all Americans.”

In April, two journalists said opposing gay marriage is basically identical to supporting slavery. When former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich donated $1,000 to support efforts against gay marriage in California, Jim Edwards of Business Insider teamed up with Will Oremus of Slate on the BBC to expose his bigotry. “An analogy would be – you know, if this guy had donated some money to the KKK,” Edwards said in reference to the $1,000 donation. Oremus agreed. While acknowledging the analogies aren’t “perfect,” he said opposing gay marriage is not okay “in the way that it’s not okay to be against interracial marriage, or to be an anti-Semite, or to be a Nazi.”

The Oscars are racist, according to CNN’s Sally Kohn, because there haven’t been enough black Oscar winners. For some reason she directed her complaint about an awards show dominated by an elite group of Hollywood liberals at conservatives. “Conservatives, do u not attribute lack of black Oscar winners to implicit racial bias?” she tweeted in January. “And if not, then what?”

In April, Mississippi Rep. Benni Thompson verbalized what anyone following The DC’s alphabet knows by now — that any opposition to President Obama, especially from a white person, is racist. “I never saw George Bush treated like this. I never saw Bill Clinton treated like this with such disrespect,” he said. “That Mitch McConnell would have the audacity to tell the president of the United States — not the chief executive, but the commander-in-chief — that ‘I don’t care what you come up with, we’re going to be against it.’ Now if that’s not a racist statement I don’t know what is.”

Get up to speed on the rest of the alphabet:

The Letter ‘A’

The Letter ‘B’

The Letter ‘C’

The Letter ‘D’

The Letter ‘E’

The Letter ‘F’

The Letter ‘G’

The Letter ‘H’

The Letter ‘I’

The Letters ‘J’ And ‘K’

The Letter ‘L’

The Letters ‘M’ And ‘N’

(h/t Everything is Racism)

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