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Obama Begins War and Golfing Vacation at the Same Time
« on: August 11, 2014, 10:06:47 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Obama Begins War and Golfing Vacation at the Same Time

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On August 10, 2014 @ 10:57 am In The Point | 7 Comments

After beginning a series of air strikes that he warned might take months, Obama did what he does best, go on vacation.

Obama is kicking off his two-week vacation at Martha’s Vineyard with a round of golf.

Joining the duffer-in-chief at Farm Neck Golf Club in Oak Bluffs are sports commentator Ahmad Rashad and NBA sharpshooter Ray Allen, according to a White House pool report.

Rashad is reportedly dating Valerie Jarrett.

Cyrus Walker, cousin of White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, is rounding out the foursome at the course, which sits on a peninsula overlooking Nantucket Sound.

So it’s basically another Valerie Jarrett family vacation.

Obama wasted little time in hitting the links, spending just half an hour at his 8,100-square-foot vacation rental before heading for the course.

The first family, which has spent nearly every summer on the Vineyard since Obama took office, will be staying in a seven-bedroom, 9-bathroom, 8,100-square-foot home they rented by the Vineyard Sound.

The home includes a tennis and basketball court, along with an infinity pool and hot tub, according to the Martha’s Vineyard Times.

But don’t worry, Obama will occasionally take time out from playing golf to actually deal with a new war.

While the vacation will extend from Aug. 9-24th, Obama will return to Washington on Sunday, Aug. 17th through the 19th to attend meetings at the White House

I hope the war doesn’t get too much in the way of the vacation.

White House officials maintain that the job of the presidency goes with Obama wherever he is and he will have access to an array of communications equipment and continue to get briefed by his national security team and other aides on his trip.

“If there’s a need for the president to return to the White House, it’s not a long flight back,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Friday.

You would assume that beginning air strikes in Iraq is already defined as a “need”.

‘I think the president should actually stand up and do his job as commander in chief, should spend less time on the golf course and more time doing the job to which he was elected,’ Cruz said in an appearance at the Iowa State Fair.

‘I am glad the president is finally demonstrating some leadership, taking the threat from ISIS seriously, but unfortunately, he’s following the pattern that has characterized his foreign policy from the beginning of this tenure which he has laid out no clearly defined objective that we’re trying to accomplish that is key to defending U.S. national security,’ Cruz added.

‘What is missing right now is the commander in chief laying out a strategic vision, here is what we’re trying to accomplish so everyone will know when it’s accomplished and here’s why it furthers U.S. national security interests,’ ABC reported.

‘That only comes from the president, and unfortunately right now President Obama’s not providing that leadership.’

Except maybe on the golf course.

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