General Category > Immigration/Border

BORDER CRISIS ALERT! Border Patrol: Even Murderers Are Allowed to Cross



BORDER CRISIS ALERT! Border Patrol: Even Murderers Are Allowed to Cross

Author:  Editor

Posted: August 8, 2014

Comments: 4

We have been actively reporting on the border crisis and how President Barack Obama and the Administration’s policies are directly contributing to a state of insecurity and resource shortages here in the US.

Now we learn that even known MURDERERS ARE ALLOWED TO CROSS THE BORDER. Yes, you read that correctly. Border agent Chris Cabrera stated in an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, “Even if he’s a confirmed gang member, a confirmed criminal even by self-admission, we for some reason don’t send them back to their home country, we release them into our country.”

This is not a theoretical risk. This is really happening. “We’ve had a couple that had admitted to murders in their home country. They were 17 years old, 16 years old, and the United States government thought it fit to release them to their parents here in the United States,” Cabrera stated in the interview (above).

This has gone too far. The safety of our fellow citizens is being put at risk by bureaucrats sitting fat and happy in their beautifully protected bubble of our Nation’s capital. How can this be allowed to continue? Here’s a recap for any bureaucrats that might have lost touch with this dire situation while vacationing in Milan or Bora Bora:

We know the Administration worked hard to hide what’s really going on with our borders.

Now our border security has become a joke.

Our broken immigration policies burden the communities along the U.S.-Mexico border as they are forced to support these illegals.

Then we come to find out these communities are being infiltrated by potential terrorists and murderers.

When will the madness end? Who will stand up and take action to safeguard our nation and our people. Governor Rick Perry tries and tries but this crisis is simply too big for one man to take on the fight alone.

Perry could clearly use some backup. Who’s in?

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