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White House Correspondent Says Obama from Kenya
« on: August 09, 2014, 10:14:19 am »

White House Correspondent Says Obama from Kenya

Posted on August 8, 2014 by Dave Jolly Filed under Email Featured, Media, Scandals

The evidence for Barack Obama’s Kenyan birth is overwhelming, but somehow his very powerful backers have managed to keep the foreign born usurper in office.

In 1991, a literary catalog published by Acton and Dystel identified one of their new authors as:

“Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

In 2006, prior to his presidential run for office, Obama’s home village in Kenya had a sign declaring it to be his birthplace. Early in Obama’s political career, there was a video in which he mentioned his Kenyan birth and Michelle Obama did the same in another video, but those videos have been wiped from the cyber world.

There is also evidence that when Barack Obama attended Occidental College that he was registered as a Muslim student and a citizen of Indonesia.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse conducted a thorough investigation into the alleged official birth certificate released by the White House and has proven that it is a forgery and that the people involved with creating it and declaring it to be official committed an act of fraud. They also found evidence that Barack Obama’s Selective Service Registration Card was forged or altered and that his Social Security number originated in Connecticut where he never lived.

Obama has spent over $3 million keeping his documentation and records sealed from the general public. This only prompts the question of what he is hiding that is worth that much money and effort to hide?

In 2008, Bill Clinton was publicly questioning Obama’s birth during Hillary’s primary run. Sources revealed that Bill Clinton would not stop until someone connected with Obama threatened the life of his daughter Chelsea.

In 2010, James Orengo, Kenya’s Minister of Lands and a member of the Kenyan Parliament publicly stated:

“If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”

There is more evidence of Barack Obama’s Kenyan birth, yet the liberal mainstream media is so devoted to the illegal president that they refuse to push the issue or question his eligibility to hold the highest office in the land.

However, one news correspondent with a very liberal network inadvertently slipped while on the air. During the recent US – Africa Leaders Summit held in DC, MSNBC host Joy Reid was talking with NBC White House Correspondent Chris Jansing. Reid stated:

“The White House clearly, I assume, is hoping that this will be part of president’s legacy given his background.”

To which Jansing responded:

“Yeah, the fact that he’s from Kenya, and that fact that when he was elected there were expectations from the African continent that he would do great things for them. This is a concerted effort by this administration to get American companies to invest.”

Ten minutes later in the interview, Jansing realized what she had said, or someone told her in her earpiece, and she corrected her statement, saying:

“I misspoke at the top before. It is obviously the president’s father who is from Kenya.”

Reid graciously added:

“We, of course, know what you meant.”

It seems that every once in a while a liberal Obama supporting newsperson will make a similar slip. In 2008, very liberal National Public Radio identified Obama, who was still a US Senator at the time, as being Kenyan born and a ‘son of Africa.’ After WND reported the NPR reference, the radio network hastily removed the reference from their archives.

All I can say is that the people behind Obama have to be some of the richest and most powerful people in the world in order to pull off the greatest con and hoax in world history in getting a foreign born person illegally elected to the presidency of the United States. This is also one reason why I look at everything Obama has done, legally and illegally in putting all of the pieces into play to declare a state of emergency, institute martial law and seize dictatorial control of the United States before his current term ends. Everything about him points to this conclusion.