Author Topic: New York Man Arrested for Playing Israeli Music Outside Mosque  (Read 446 times)

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New York Man Arrested for Playing Israeli Music Outside Mosque

August 8, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield 4 Comments

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam. He is completing a book on the international challenges America faces in the 21st century.

Muslims and other enemies of the Jewish State frequently protest outside synagogues. One of the ugliest cases involved the constant protests outside Beth Israel Congregation in Ann Arbor.


In Ann Arbor hate-filled left-wing protests have taken place in front of a synagogue every Sabbath for a decade.

Signs with attention-grabbing statements like “Zionism Enabled Nazism,” “Israel: No Right To Exist,” and “Is Ethnic Cleansing a Judaic Value?” eventually line the sidewalks as congregants make their way inside for their weekly Sabbath morning services.

Over the past decade, members of the Beth Israel Congregation have witnessed literally hundreds of protests outside their synagogue.

Some congregants describe the wall of anti-Israel protesters as “the gauntlet,” and they say it’s taken a toll on the congregation over time.

One told him, “Jewish prayers should be disrupted. You pray for genocide.” A white-haired woman holding a sign denouncing Israel rushed over to add, “It’s true! It’s true!”

Gloria Harb said she participates because she believes the United States’ political system is corrupted by Jews intent on furthering Israel’s agenda before America’s.

“I’m just one member of the group, and I focus on the American public and breaking the silence,” she said. “I know there are some of us who hold out hope of reaching some of those people in the synagogue, but not me.”

None of these people were dragged away and charged with disrupting synagogue services. If they had been, the New York Times, the ACLU and every liberal judge would have been all over it.


So note the double standard of Muslim Privilege…

A Williamsburg man allegedly disrupted Ramadan for Muslim worshipers in Bay Ridge, after he repeatedly drove by their mosque blasting Israeli music, law enforcement sources said Friday.

The 20-year-old Chaim Weiss decorated his 2013 Honda with a handful of Israeli flags and pumped up the music as worshipers were inside a mosque at 68th Street and Fifth Avenue in Bay Ridge at 4 a.m. July 20, a criminal court document states.

Weiss allegedly then parked in front of the mosque, which was filled with a large congregation of people who approached and tried to stop him, law enforcement sources said.

Weiss fled the scene and drove back and forth four more times with the Israeli hits playing as the religious ceremony was in session, the sources said.

It sounds like they tried to assault him for playing loud music, but of course we hear nothing about that. Muslim assaults aren’t a crime. Israeli music is.

Can you say “Muslim Privilege”?
« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 10:21:37 am by rangerrebew »