Author Topic: Aetna CEO: Obamacare ‘Not an Affordable Product’  (Read 628 times)

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Aetna CEO: Obamacare ‘Not an Affordable Product’
« on: August 13, 2014, 10:16:18 am »

Aetna CEO: Obamacare ‘Not an Affordable Product’

Posted 56 mins ago by Dave Jolly Filed under ObamaCare

Even though Rep. Nancy Pelosi continues to tell America that Obamacare has reduced the cost of healthcare insurance policies, the facts say otherwise. In an interview on CNBC’s Squawk Box last week, Aetna Chairman and CEO Mark Bertolini stated that Obamacare is not affordable to everyone:

“So we’ve increased access for, um, 8 million people in the exchanges and another 6 to 8 million people on Medicaid, depending on how you count, so we have a lot more insured, but it’s really not an affordable product for a lot of people, and, so getting everybody insured should be our goal, but you have to have a more affordable system.”

Bertolini went on to say:

"If we're going to fix health care, we've got to get at the delivery of care and the cost of care. The ACA does none of that. The only person who's really going to drive that is the consumer and the decisions they make."

"Getting everybody insured should probably be our goal, but you have to have a more affordable system. We have a 1950[-style] health care system in the Unites States."
Bertolini is right in that it takes more than just legislating a mandated healthcare system. In order to create a more all-around affordable system, it means that doctors, hospitals, treatment centers, pharmaceutical companies, medical supply manufactures and everyone associated with healthcare has to work together to lower their prices. They have to stop gouging the system.

A doctor who treated my daughter in 2002 was giving her cortisone injections into her neck and shoulder for an injury. He injected the area with 10cc of cortisone, but moved the needle each cc he injected and then charged her $169 per injection and billed workman’s comp $1690 for ten injections of cortisone. I know for a fact that cortisone does not cost nearly that much. This is what I mean by gouging the system.

Obamacare only serves to force people to purchase a more expensive healthcare insurance that covers less than what they had before. Access to doctors, hospitals and medications are fewer while the out of pocket costs are higher. In order to provide truly affordable healthcare, the government would have to take over every aspect and business associated with the medical industry. This would be socialist medicine to the maximum which is something none of us really want.