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United Nations: A Reliable Ally for Terror and Oppression
« on: August 05, 2014, 10:08:04 am »

United Nations: A Reliable Ally for Terror and Oppression

Hamas feels at home in UN buildings.

By Alex Jakubowski – 8.5.14
For the third time since the Israeli operation in Gaza began, rockets and terrorist instruments were discovered inside a United Nations building. After the first discovery, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) gave the rockets to the relevant local authorities—Hamas. The second time, UNRWA immediately evacuated all staff from the premises, and thus was “unable to confirm the precise number of rockets.” Hamas was then allowed to retake possession of the rockets.

Last week, the absurdity continued; three IDF soldiers were killed by an explosion from a booby-trapped UNRWA building. According to IDF’s Gaza Division Commander Brig. Gen. Micky Edelstein, “They [Hamas] blow [up] the UNRWA clinic on our troops.” This was a health clinic, linked to a series of terror tunnels leading into Israel’s sovereign territory.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. The phrase stops there, but UNRWA hasn’t. It is thoroughly inconceivable that UNRWA officials did not know about large stores of rockets filling rooms in their schools and clinics. But even if one were to make the intellectual leap to give them the benefit of the doubt, there is no way they didn’t notice terrorists installing bombs in their walls. Drills make noise, but unfortunately the world didn’t.

After each of these three cases, the world’s pro-peace community should have been up in arms. The United Nations, according to its charter, was established “to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace.” Apparently, it’s too much to ask for the UN to remove threats to peace from its own buildings.

Instead, the world’s “pro-peace” community has continued to condemn Israel, using the UN as its conduit. Just last week the UN Human Rights Council called for another investigation into the purported human rights violations of the Israelis in Gaza. In their resolution, which reads more like a lynching than a call for peace, not once does the body mention Hamas, a non-state, terrorist actor that has used the United Nations and its resources to more effectively inflict terror.

Also recently, seemingly unbeknownst to the world’s foremost body on human rights, several thousand Christians in Iraq were forced to convert, pay taxes, or die in Iraq; hundreds of civilians were brutally murdered in Syria; and reports confirmed that the Russian government provided the means for terrorists to shoot down a commercial airliner.

Since 2006, when the Human Rights Council was redesigned in an attempt to rid itself of its historical anti-Israel slant, it has issued 103 resolutions, more than half of which were aimed against the State of Israel. Of the special sessions called for by the Council, one-third have been specifically directed at Israel. Not one resolution has condemned Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Boko Haram, or a variety of other terrorist organizations around the world.

Even worse, not a single resolution, not even a single word has been uttered in the chamber about abuses for which the UN itself has been responsible. Time and again, human rights organizations around the world have documented rabid cases of sexual and violent misconduct by UN Peacekeeping Forces in volatile regions. The recent cases involving UNRWA’s rampant cooperation with Hamas’ rocket fire, which even the Palestinian Ambassador to the UNHRC stated constituted “war crimes,” has gone without official condemnation.

Only increased suffering will result from a Human Rights Council whose member-states sponsor terrorism, permit institutionalized slavery, persecute minorities, and routinely torture and execute political dissidents. Within a culture that would never criticize its own member-states, it is no surprise that the Council refuses to condemn its own member institutions—but that doesn’t make it any less disappointing.

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