Author Topic: Fluke Can't Afford Birth Control but able to Furnish $116,287 to Own Campaign  (Read 390 times)

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Fluke Can't Afford Birth Control but able to Furnish $116,287 to Own Campaign

Posted on August 4, 2014 by Dave Jolly Filed under 2014 Election, Email Featured, Ethics, Health Care, Liberal Hypocrisy, ObamaCare, Politics, Socialism

 In February 2012, a Georgetown law student testified before Rep. Nancy Pelosi and the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. Sandra Fluke spoke about the contraception mandate and women’s health. She pleaded for the new mandate because of student’s suffering from lack of contraceptive coverage and how they suffer financially, medically and emotionally. Fluke told the committee that as a student, she couldn’t afford to pay for contraception so she can peruse a sinful lifestyle of sex before marriage.

Obama’s contraception mandate poster child must have had quite the financial windfall in the past two years. Fluke graduated from Georgetown, which is a very expensive private university and became a social justice attorney.

Don’t let the words ‘social justice’ fool you. Another politically correct term that is being used on a large scale by liberal progressives is ‘social justice.’ If they used the term ‘socialist’ or ‘socialism,’ millions of Americans would be outraged and fight against whatever it is the liberals are trying to do. So they coined the politically correct term ‘social justice’ to make it sound acceptable and something that most people would buy right into. After all, who isn’t for justice? But be warned and look closely whenever you see that term being used. It almost always refers to some sort of socialist plan or program that only tears away from America’s foundational beliefs, morals and values.

Basically, a social justice attorney is nothing more than an attorney who fights for socialism and the stripping of individual rights. Barack Obama is very big on social justice. Following in her hero’s footsteps, Sandra Fluke is jumping into politics and is currently running for a seat in the California State Senate. Her own campaign page spells out the tenets of socialism that she is running on:

“As the media attention grew, I believed it was my responsibility to use the microphone I was given to advocate for the progressive policies I’ve always fought for: affordable health care, access to a quality education, LGBTQ rights and economic justice. Now I want to fight for you and our community in the California State Senate.”

By affordable healthcare, she means a national socialist healthcare system that Obama has forced upon us. Access to a quality education means that all Americans will be taxed more so as to pay for others to attend college. LGBTQ rights means the discrimination against Christians and the Christian foundations our nation was founded upon. Economic justice is another way of saying redistribution of wealth or taking from the hard working rich to pay for the lazy poor. All of these are socialist agendas to help liberal Democrats to destroy the America we all knew and loved.

In the two short years since her testimony, she has amassed enough money to donate $16,287.27 to her own campaign. Additionally, she loaned her own campaign $100,000.

I’ve known a few attorneys and none of them were able to make that much money in less than two years after graduating from law school and then passing the Bar. Recall two years ago she couldn’t even afford birth control pills and now she has $116,000 that she can spare to her campaign.

Oh yeah, there is one more thing that’s changed since Fluke was the poor little law student at Georgetown two years ago. She married Adam Mutterperl, the son of a rich liberal Democrat by the name of William Mutterperl. Her husband’s family has also donated $20,500 to Fluke’s campaign. In fact, nearly 33% of the campaign funds raised for Obama’s poster girl have come from family members.

Fluke has out raised her Democratic challenger Ben Allen. Only 15% of his donations have come from family members. However some political analysts believe that the large percentage of family donations indicates that her campaign is not as strong as she purports it to be. If it were stronger, she should have more donations from outside sources than she has.

Even though Fluke has more money than Allen, I would much rather see him win than Obama’s hypocritical poster girl, wouldn’t you?