Author Topic: Majority of Americans Know Obama Wants Illegal Alien Invaders to Stay  (Read 998 times)

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Majority of Americans Know Obama Wants Illegal Alien Invaders to Stay

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On August 2, 2014 @ 3:53 pm In The Point | 8 Comments

You can fool some of the people some of the time. You can fool all of the people some of the time. But then you’re halfway through your second term and your approval rating is underwater and the guy running against you in 2012 would have won by a landslide if the election happened today.

And your fool skills have worn down to a nub.

Voters think President Obama is doing a poor job handling the latest immigration crisis and believe he wants to let most of the new illegal immigrants stay here despite majority support for their quick deportation.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters want the U.S. government to send these new illegal immigrant children home as quickly as possible. Thirty-six percent (36%) think instead that the government should process them more slowly to determine whether any should be allowed to stay in the United States. Ten percent (10%) are undecided.

However, only 22% believe the president is interested in doing what most voters want – sending most of these new illegal immigrants home. Fifty-four percent (54%) believe he is more interested in letting most of them stay in the United States. One-in-four voters (24%) aren’t sure what Obama has in mind.

And most voters don’t buy the scam.

Most voters (52%) believe these illegal immigrants are coming here for economic reasons. Seventeen percent (17%) are not sure.

While 73% of Republicans and 53% of unaffiliated voters think the president wants most of these latest arrivals to stay here, only 40% of Democrats agree.

A plurality (44%) of Democrats believes the administration is doing a good or excellent job handling the latest immigration situation. Eighty-one percent (81%) of GOP voters and 61% of unaffiliateds think the administration is doing a poor job.

Those aren’t good numbers even among Dems.

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