Author Topic: ‘Blame Cruz’ Is the New ‘Blame Bush’ for Whiny Democrats  (Read 342 times)

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‘Blame Cruz’ Is the New ‘Blame Bush’ for Whiny Democrats

Posted By Stephen Kruiser On July 31, 2014 @ 4:14 pm In Politics | 21 Comments

Aw, is someone sad?

Rep. Chris Van Hollen slammed House Republicans on Thursday, saying members now have to check with “Speaker Cruz” to get any legislation passed.

“It was Senator Cruz calling the shots, and that’s why people around here are calling him ‘Speaker Cruz’ today,” the Maryland Democrat said to MSNBC’s Alex Wagner. “It means when Speaker Boehner says he’s going to get something done from now on, he’d better be checking with Senator Cruz to see if he’s gonna get the votes because clearly the new leadership team isn’t up to the task.”

It is perfectly understandable that Democrats would be upset at the thought of someone other than them pushing John Boehner around. He has, after all, been theirs to do with what they will for the longest time.

No one is living rent free in more Democrats’ heads these days than Ted Cruz. He could take the next six months off and they would be blaming everything on his “failure to come to work and show leadership” or something. He is a convenient fall guy because none of the useful idiot Republican senators from the old guard will openly defend Cruz after he failed to spend his first year in office kissing their backsides.

What Cruz is most guilty of is responding to his constituency rather than the popularity police on Capitol Hill. We have created a permanent ruling class thanks to a lazy electorate who returns idiots to office for decades. These idiots stay in office by mugging for the cameras but not really doing much. Anybody new who shows up and acts like a representative in this — you know –representative republic is just asking for trouble.

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