Author Topic: NBC Host To Top Democrat: ‘Frankly, Only People Talking About Impeachment This Week Are Democrats’  (Read 426 times)

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NBC Host To Top Democrat: ‘Frankly, Only People Talking About Impeachment This Week Are Democrats’

Posted By Brendan Bordelon On 12:02 PM 08/01/2014 In | No Comments

NBC reporter Chuck Todd needled Debbie Wasserman Schultz over the Democratic National Committee’s relentless fundraising on the issue of President Obama’s possible impeachment, asking if she has “any qualms” about the strategy since “frankly, the only people talking about impeachment are Democrats.”

The Florida congresswoman appeared on Todd’s “Daily Rundown” Friday morning to discuss the House’s chances of passing a border bill before going on vacation. Todd took that opportunity ask the DNC chair about her fundraising strategy going into the midterm elections.

“Do you have any qualms about raising money off of the idea of impeachment when Speaker Boehner says it’s off the table, that this is drumming up the process?” the NBC reporter asked. “Do you feel like you’re overtalking about it, that — you know, frankly, the only people talking about impeachment this week are Democrats, not Republicans.”

“Oh, that isn’t true, Chuck!” Wasserman Schultz protested, claiming that Republican House Speaker John Boehner “can’t control his conference” and “isn’t even Speaker — Ted Cruz is Speaker!”

“It’s Republicans that haven’t taken it off the table,” she asserted. “We know that the [House] lawsuit [against Obama] is a prelude to impeachment, or it was passed off the House floor just to appease his very large number of members that want us to pursue impeachment.”

While very few congressional Republicans have openly called for the impeachment of President Obama, that hasn’t stopped Democrats from using that prospect to pull massive amounts of money from their base. The Washington Post reports that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) used the issue to rake in around $2.1 million in online donations last weekend.

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