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Funding Our Enemies = Killing Ourselves
« on: July 29, 2014, 01:01:32 pm »

Funding Our Enemies = Killing Ourselves

By Michael Reisig   / 29 July 2014   / 4 Comments   
America, Money, And Citizenship

By Michael Reisig

Sometimes it’s just hard to accept the truth. But here it is in cold, hard words: America is losing its ascendancy in the world, dropping faster than Solyndra’s stocks in the wintertime. Yet we still insist on wasting our country’s reserves on nations who abhor us, and people who are not even citizens.

This latest immigration crisis is the perfect example of a president who is no longer thinking about the citizens of his country, but more concerned about his image in the world. We are now experiencing the largest influx of asylum seekers since the 1980 Mariel boatlift from Cuba.

In less than ten months we have seen 52,000 children, most of which are from Central America, and most unaccompanied by adults, cross our border and be taken into custody. Almost double the number from last year and still growing. President Obama has called on Congress to cough up $4 billion to deal with the situation. Four Billion Dollars… And you wonder why we’re a failing country.

fundingOur present administration can’t seem to find enough places to spend our money: This year – Pakistan ($3.1 BILLION), Afghanistan ($3.9 BILLION), Israel ($3 BILLION), Nigeria $647 million (for Nigeria!), Russia ($67.8 million). We’re even giving China $12.9 million, and $20 million has been allocated to Cuba!

Are we insane? We’re financing our enemies around the globe while our nation is failing, our infrastructure is collapsing, and our economy is going into a final dive – and we’re giving CHINA MONEY! We’re giving Nigeria $647 million freaking dollars!

Now I know some of you out there are saying that money is used to promote democracy and human rights, to fight HIV and AIDS, and provide education for children. You’re right – that’s what some of it is allocated for in many cases. But after that money has passed from one potentate’s hand to the next, and been used to buy favors from jungle and desert brigands, then dribbled down to unscrupulous civil allocators, about one-tenth of it actually makes it to where it was supposed to go. BUT IT ALL CAME OUT OF THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER’S POCKET.

Speaking of money that comes from taxpayer’s pockets, the current policy of “Birthright Citizenship” costs America millions each year. Thousands of pregnant illegal aliens commit trespass in order to give birth on U.S. soil. There’s a bustling birth tourism industry, offering pregnant foreigners on tourist visas housing and comfort until U.S. citizenship arrives for/with their child.

The truth is, Birthright Citizenship actually represents an incorrect, “interpreted” overview of the Constitution. Brian Fisher, with the American Family Association has offered an accurate analysis of this situation and I would like to pass on some of it.

foreign“We do not need to amend the Constitution to fix this problem; a correct reading of the Constitution indicates that such children born on our soil are specifically excluded from citizenship.

The clause found in the 14th Amendment reads, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof are citizens of the United States...”

A plain reading clearly indicates that birthright citizenship is granted only to those who are “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States when they are born on American soil. Illegal aliens and their children, by definition, are not subject to the jurisdiction of the U.S. The “jurisdiction” clause was added to the 14th Amendment only after a lengthy debate. Sen. Jacob Howard of Michigan proposed the amendment because he wanted to make it clear that the simple accident of birth on U.S. soil was not in fact enough to confer citizenship. The logic is inescapable. If the children of foreign diplomats, who are in this country legally, are not U.S. citizens by birth, how is it possible that children of illegal aliens could be?”

Welcome to America the Insane.