VIDEO: Soldiers Make Boy’s Dying Wish Come True. Your Heart Will Melt.
Author: Editor
Posted: July 25, 2014
Comments: 1
As you can see in the video (below), dreams really can come true. Khalil Quarles, a boy with terminal soft-tissue cancer in Baltimore, Maryland, always wanted to be a soldier.
The cancer was limited at first, but slowly grew around his body:
At that time, we decided to just stop the treatment so that Khalil could have the best quality of life that’s possible, being a 10-year-old child, to get to enjoy his life,” said his mom, Cypress Mason. Khalil, 10, thought the highlight of his day Wednesday would be chatting on Skype for the first time with a soldier stationed in Kuwait, but it got even better. “I’ve got my Army guys outside waiting for you,” the soldier told Khalil over the Internet.
Watch as Khalil walks outside to find soldiers waiting to fulfill his dream. Incredible! more: