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Some "What Ifs" for your consideration

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What if I'd gotten up on the other side of the bed today?

What if Karen Carpenter had eaten that ham sandwich Mama Cass choked to death on??

If my Aunty gets a sex change, does that make her my Uncle??

Which would you rather be, or an orange?

Did you take the bus, or bring your lunch today??


Pondering matters within the Angloshpere, America would have turned out to be like Canada, or a part of Canada?

In which case Churchill could have drawn us into WWII sooner, with whatever result that might have yielded.

And postwar, Churchill was more wary of Soviet expansionism than were US leaders, so the Cold War might have been waged and decided sooner, and more hotly?

What if Mitt Romney had won the Presidential election in 2012?

What if Pickett's Charge had been successful and the Confederate Army had won at Gettysburg?


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