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Patriots Take On the Muslim Brotherhood
« on: July 28, 2014, 09:38:22 am »
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Patriots Take On the Muslim Brotherhood

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On July 28, 2014 @ 12:58 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 1 Comment

“We are faced with an enemy whose goal is to conquer the world by subversion and infiltration or, if necessary, by open war.”

The speaker was Senator John F. Kennedy and he was discussing the Communist Control Act that he had co-sponsored. The Act did what had been previously thought impossible; it outlawed the Communist Party.

The latest bill to fight an enemy whose goal is also to conquer the world by subversion, infiltration and open war doesn’t have a Kennedy co-sponsor. Instead it has the two members of Congress who have fought the hardest to expose the Muslim Brotherhood; Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert.

The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act goes to the heart of the beast by designating the entity a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Plenty of Muslim Brotherhood affiliates and splinter groups, from Hamas to Al Qaeda, have already ended up on the FTO list.

But the Brotherhood has been able to keep spewing out new front groups that enjoy immunity.

The Act lists some of the Brotherhood groups and Brotherhood leaders already on the FTO list. These include the Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood and the head of the Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood’s political party who served as the coordinator for the bombing of the USS Cole. The Act documents, briefly, the Brotherhood’s history and some of its more recent involvements in worldwide terrorism.

From the original World Trade Center attacks to the recent Brotherhood attacks on Coptic Christians, the Act comprehensively makes the case that the Muslim Brotherhood is a violent terrorist group.

There really is no doubt whatsoever that the Muslim Brotherhood meets the FTO criteria. But so did Boko Haram and the State Department fought tooth and nail to keep an Al Qaeda-linked organization responsible for the murder of thousands off the list.

The Muslim Brotherhood is even more vital to their agenda than Boko Haram.

However the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act, if it passes, will force John Kerry to issue a report explaining why the Muslim Brotherhood should not be treated as a terrorist group.

The contents of that report could be guessed at ahead of time.

When challenged over the provision of F-16 fighter jets to Muslim Brotherhood thug Mohammed Morsi, Kerry had claimed that the US couldn’t just walk away from him.

A Kerry aide stated back in June that “We do not share the view of the Egyptian government about links between the Muslim Brothers and terrorist groups like ISIS” and argued that the Brotherhood was a political challenge, rather than a security challenge.

Nevertheless it’s important to have this discussion out in the open.

Americans who warned about the dangers of Communism were marginalized, but by the fifties a unanimous Senate vote had outlawed the Communist Party. JFK did not co-sponsor the Communist Control Act because he was a courageous leader, but because by then it was the safe thing to do.

The pace of world events had taken what had been seen as the obsession of a few cranks and turned it into a compelling national security issue that could no longer be ignored.

As the Middle East churns in the murderous grip of its Jihads, Americans are beginning to see a region under Islamic movements that resembles Eastern Europe under the Communist boot. As they look at the shifting populations in Europe, at the rise of honor killings and FGM, at mobs screaming hate at the Jews in Paris and at burning churches in Egypt, they ask themselves whether they want to live this way.

If Americans wake up to the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood, the way that they had once woken up to the threat of Communism, it will be because a handful of members of Congress, prominent among them, Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert, kept up the good fight.

Bachmann and Gohmert warned about the Muslim Brotherhood despite the lack of interest in the topic by much of the public, the media and even by their own party.

With them stand a handful of co-sponsors; Trent Franks, who has also stood up against the Muslim Brotherhood, and others like Peter Roskam, who took a stand against Hamas, Cynthia Lummis, who asked during the Benghazi hearings about the Brotherhood’s involvement, Kevin Brady, who tried to cut funding to the UN, Steve Southerland, who spoke at Florida State University in defiance of Muslim protests, and Doug LaMalfa, who condemned Obama for funding Hamas.

The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act would make it possible to go after anyone providing material support to the entity. It would make it possible to keep Muslim Brotherhood agents from entering the United States and to deport Muslim Brotherhood members already in the United States.

The Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act may not pass and even if it does, it’s wildly unlikely that Obama, who won’t even stop funding Hamas which is already on the FTO list, would enforce it. But shifts are incremental. They come from the persistent commitment to advancing an issue.

Within a decade, Communism went from kindly Uncle Joe to a nightmarish monster. In 1937, 47% of Americans knew nothing of Fascism or Communism. By 1939, half the country was willing to choose either Communism or Fascism. In 1940, only 37% supported jailing or deporting Communists. By 1945, 48% of Americans saw improving relations ahead for the US and the USSR.

Less than a decade later, outlawing the Communist Party had become the default bipartisan position.

While the propaganda of the left is a powerful thing, it crumbles in the face of world events. The political battlefield is a shadow of the real world. When the world changes, it abruptly transforms everything.

In these moments of transformation, the patriots who have been fighting for the truth have the opportunity to step forward and take advantage of the shift. And those who blindly denounced them will join them, because when the consensus crumbles, they seek sensible point of security to cling to.

It is toward that day that the patriots do their work, placing brick on brick, laboring to build a pedestal on which the truth will be revealed.

There may come a time when the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act is remembered as one of the vital building blocks in the American awakening to the threat of Islamization.

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