Author Topic: Out: Being Tolerant In: Hating Conservatives  (Read 317 times)

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Out: Being Tolerant In: Hating Conservatives
« on: July 27, 2014, 10:17:43 am »

Out: Being Tolerant In: Hating Conservatives

Posted on July 25, 2014 by Onan Coca — 68 Comments   
Have you noticed the odd double standard that exists in America today? If you are a conservative, the nation demands you be “tolerant.” If you are a liberal, it’s completely within your right to be intolerant towards conservatives!

If you are pro-traditional marriage, Christian, conservative — or even just Republican — you are a hateful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynist, warmongering monster.

If you happen to hatefully spite anyone who is a conservative… you are totally cool.

If you say mean things about conservatives, if you mock Christians, if you physically assault politically active and elderly Republicans, or if you just like to yell vicious and disgusting things at white people – don’t worry, that response is welcomed.

There is a disgusting double standard that exists in our nation today which calls conservatives evil simply for believing that some things are wrong and others are right. At the same time, it allows liberals to actually think and act in an evil manner towards conservatives without facing any repercussions…
Take this story from Mediaite for example – wherein an actor who plays a gay man on TV refused to be photographed with Rick Santorum (R-PA), even though Santorum was a big fan of his show. If Santorum had refused to be pictured with said actor – the media would have erupted with cries of bigotry. Instead they are silent when the actor acts in a bigoted manner himself…

It’s a disgusting double standard – read for yourself.