Author Topic: The Daily Caller Presents The Alphabet Of Racism: THE LETTER ‘F’  (Read 281 times)

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The Daily Caller Presents The Alphabet Of Racism: THE LETTER ‘F’

Posted By Rachel Stoltzfoos On 12:13 AM 07/26/2014 In | No Comments

The Daily Caller’s alphabet of racism continues — keep up the good work.

Here are seven people, places, things, concepts, or words beginning with the letter ‘F’ that someone, somewhere deemed racist.

Fewer black baseball players is racist, according to Hank Aaron. In a conversation about how race relations have, or have not, improved since he was chasing Babe Ruth’s home run record, the baseball legend implied the GOP is a modern day version of the KKK, and said anyone who thinks a lot has changed is kidding themselves. He cited a lack of black baseball players as evidence. “When I first started playing, you had a lot of black players in the major leagues,” he told USA Today. ”Now you don’t have any. (7.7 percent of big-leaguers last season). So what progress have we made? You try to understand, but we’re going backward.”

In 2012, The Huffington Post published a piece explaining why The Fire Department of New York City is racist. The Civil Rights division of the Justice Department sued the FDNY, which was 89 percent white, for discriminating against black and latino candidates. The Justice Department won its case, for reasons not elaborated in the piece. The FDNY claimed it simply hired those candidates who passed the test, but the Huffington Post explained why the FDNY must be racist: “To achieve 89 percent all white status, in a City of New York agency, there has to be a number of discriminatory practices used to bar non-White applicants access.”

The term “food stamps” is racist, said MSNBC’s Chris Matthews after Newt Gingrich gave a speech in 2011 using the apparent racial code. Gingrich had referred to Obama as a “food stamp president,” and asked whether Americans wanted to be a country that creates foods stamps, or a country that creates paychecks. “Haven’t heard food stamps discussed since the last racist guy tried to play the card,” Matthews said as he played the race card. “I mean, I can’t remember the last time it was talked about. [It has] a particular tinge to it.” (RELATED: Mentioning ‘food stamps’ the new racism, says Chris Matthews)

The 1958 broadway musical and subsequent film you’ve probably never heard of called “The Flower Drum Song” was deemed racist because of the way it portrayed Asian Americans. In 2002 the musical was revived, apparently sans the racist portrayal, and did relatively well. Major complaints were that the musical and film stereotyped Asians as overly exotic and did not give the female star a satisfactory role. This clip, for example, is apparently racist.

Some people think Fox News is racist, which is hardly surprising, and neither is the lack of evidence to support the accusation. The Huffington Post has a special “Fox News Racism” tag, which it has found appropriate to use a whopping four times! One story with the tag is about a former employee who sued the network in 2010 for allegedly abusing and humiliating him based on his race. However, the outcome of the case is not reported. Two more have to do with “racially charged” comments Bill O’Reilly made in 2005 about two different restaurants in Harlem. Unfortunately for the tag deeming the entire Fox News network racist, that’s all there is at this point, but more evidence is sure to turn up.

MSNBC’s Touré implied fracking is racist in a discussion on his show “The Cycle” about former Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s racist remarks a few months ago and the potential consequences. He said other NBA team owners are unsavory and should be worried about their own position: ”Some of the folks who own these NBA teams, and this is breaking news Ari, some of them are not the most savory folks. Some of them are bankrolling anti-gay marriage initiatives. Some of them got rich off of fracking. Some of them are Russian oligarchs. Some of them were part of passing on the sub-prime loan debacle.” Because fracking and racism are the same.

In a letter to the editor published in the New York Times in 1987, a history professor at Columbia University explained in a now unfamiliar calm and rational manner why the Founding Fathers were racist. “There is no question that many founders harbored doubts about the justice of slavery and that some – like Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton – can be called abolitionists,” the letter read. “Yet no amount of selective quotation can refute that the Constitution strengthened rather than weakened slavery.” Since, for example, Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, this one is pretty self-evident, unlike basically every other example covered in The DC’s alphabet so far.

In case you’ve missed the letters so far:

The Letter ‘A’
The Letter ‘B’
The Letter ‘C’
The Letter ‘D’
The Letter ‘E’

(h/t Everything is racism)

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