Author Topic: Hamas Fires at IDF From Hospital, Israel Bombs It Only After Making Sure There was no one Inside the Building  (Read 276 times)

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Hamas Fires at IDF From Hospital, Israel Bombs It Only After Making Sure There was no one Inside the Building

Pamela Geller 12 hours ago

No country on earth goes to such extraordinary measures to preserve civilian life. Leaflets are dropped before missile launchers are taken out. Operations are aborted if civilians are spotted within the target range.
Is there any further proof needed that in the war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man? Defeat jihad.

Savages wage warfare from hospitals. And the people voted for Hamas. They voted for this.

The Israeli military released a new video on Wednesday reportedly showing Hamas terrorists firing at IDF forces from inside a hospital that they had turned into a “command center and rocket-launching site.”

 Going directly against claims from Israel’s critics that the Jewish nation is unconcerned about the deaths of civilians in Gaza, Israel reportedly “repeatedly conveyed warnings to the hospital staff and urged civilians to leave the area.”

Only after confirming that there were no hospital staff or injured civilians in the hospital did the Israeli military take out the target.

“Hamas continued firing from the hospital. In response, the IDF targeted specific sites and terrorists within the hospital grounds. Secondary explosions can be seen, confirming IDF intelligence about the site,” the video’s description reads.