Author Topic: Hamas Caught Using Photo From Hollywood Horror Film To Libel Israel  (Read 341 times)

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Hamas Caught Using Photo From Hollywood Horror Film To Libel Israel

Walid Shoebat 18 hours ago

There is so much wrong with this, it’s difficult to know where to begin. The desperation of Hamas is becoming increasingly apparent when it takes a screen shot from a 2009 Hollywood horror film (Final Destination 4) and blames the Jews for the pseudo-carnage while portraying it as real.

Just when you thought Pallywood couldn’t go any more rogue…


Here is a trailer from the 2009 movie that also includes a short clip from the scene above:

So far…

1.) Hamas has dredged up an old photo that exposes a staged scene in which a Palestinian dressed like an Israeli solider and held his foot down on little girl’s chest while pointing a gun at her face.

2.) Hamas has taken out a Gaza power plant that services 70,000 Palestinians.

3.) Hamas spokesman admits to leading Palestinians to their death.

4.) Hamas orders residents to stay in homes Israel has warned will be bombed.

5.) An Arab Journalist is claiming that Arab states want to see Israel wipe out Hamas.

h/t BNI