Author Topic: Democrats Push Bill to Overturn Laws Convicting Kermit Gosnell of Killing Born Alive Babies  (Read 296 times)

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Democrats Push Bill to Overturn Laws Convicting Kermit Gosnell of Killing Born Alive Babies

by Steven Ertelt | | 7/15/14 11:28 AM

Senate Democrats held a hearing today on a bill that wipes out virtually every pro-life law across the country, including state laws that came into play in Pennsylvania that held late-term abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell accountable for killing babies who were born alive and killed during a gruesome late-term abortion procedure.

S.1696 is deceptively titled the “Women’s Health Protection Act” even though it revokes protections for women and their unborn children. Instead, the bill would be far-reaching in how it would topple virtually every pro-life law passed in states across the country.

gosnell52During the hearing, Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee, told lawmakers that the bill is a radical departure from laws that have helped stopped late-term abortions and helped hold abortion practitioners like Gosnell accountable.

“Dr. Kermit Gosnell of Philadelphia is only the most notorious recent example of a certain type of abortion provider who flourishes under the aura of political immunity generated by pro-abortion advocacy groups in some jurisdictions. There are many others who have demonstrated repeatedly that they should not be allowed anywhere near pregnant women or their unborn children, some of whom have been operating in multiple states for many years, shielded from real accountability by the timidity of state officials who are weary of offending the abortion industry and the political activist groups that fly cover for that industry,” she said.

During questioning, pro-life Sen. Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican, asked Tobias if the bill in question would allow Gosnell to continue doing these grisly abortions.

“This particular piece of legislation would make it easier for these kinds of individual to operate without impunity,” he said.

“If the measure would single out abortion, it would be invalid,” Tobias responded about the kinds of pro-life laws the Democrats’ bill would overturn. “Abortionists like Kermit Gosnell would be able to continue and set up shop.”

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Family Research Council President Tony Perkins says his group opposes the bill for similar reasons.

“Senator Blumenthal’s bill is extreme and out of touch with the views of millions of Americans on both sides of the abortion debate,” he said.

“It is deeply troubling that the Senate Judiciary Committee would consider a measure that puts vulnerable women in greater danger by undermining clinic health standards that are grounded in common sense. The measure even revokes laws requiring abortionists to be licensed physicians and any restrictions on late-term abortions. These laws are vital to avoid a future Kermit Gosnell house of horror.” he continued.

Perkins said, “It is my hope that the Senate reject this bill and instead work to protect unborn children that can feel excruciating pain from abortion, and pass the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, S. 1670, sponsored by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC),” concluded Perkins.”
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 12:46:24 pm by rangerrebew »