Author Topic: Democrats and Republicans Blame Harry Reid’s Dirty Lawyer $$$ for Failure of Patent Reform  (Read 478 times)

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Democrats and Republicans Blame Harry Reid’s Dirty Lawyer $$$ for Failure of Patent Reform

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On July 13, 2014 @ 12:31 pm In The Point | No Comments

If there was one thing that Democrats and Republicans could agree on it was patent reform. Republicans supported it. Obama supported it. Schumer supported it.

But the most corrupt man in the Senate, who also controls its agenda, didn’t.

U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy is blaming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for the failure of his patent reform bill.

In an interview with the Burlington Free Press, the Vermont senator said Reid, D-Nev., basically forced his hand.

“I am furious with what happened,” Leahy told the newspaper. “We worked so hard to get a coalition. Harry Reid and a couple of others said, ‘We won’t let it come to the floor.’

“I think that’s wrong, but I’m not going to give up.”

Reid reportedly has strong ties to trial lawyers, and they were concerned about a fee-shifting provision of the bill that would require the loser to pay the winner’s legal fees.

That’s an understatement.

Reid picked up $3.7 million from law firms. 4 of his 5 top donors are lawyers. The fifth is Comcast.

His number one donor is the New York law firm of Weitz & Luxenberg.

His number two donor is the Simmons Law Firm in Chicago.

His number three donor is the Wall Street firm Morgan & Morgan.

His number four donor is the Los Angeles based Girardi & Keese personal injury law firm.

Together these outside firms have given him nearly half-a-million dollars. And they bought themselves a lack on the legislative process.

While Harry Reid pushes his fake indignation over the Koch Brothers, his corruption is the real problem in the Senate.

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