Author Topic: Due Process? Naw, Not Any More  (Read 434 times)

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Due Process? Naw, Not Any More
« on: July 11, 2014, 09:08:54 am »
- The Daily Sheeple - -

Due Process? Naw, Not Any More

Posted By Karl Denninger On July 10, 2014 @ 4:30 pm In Controlling the Herd,Editor's Choice,Featured,General,News,Political Gamesmanship | 5 Comments

Burning_Constitution-220x220 [1]

This is what happens when you sit for the encroachment of your fundamental rights and the guarantees in the Constitution — they continue, right up until you have your wages confiscated on a mere allegation without any due process or hearing.

Don’t say you weren’t warned — you were, and you sat on your ass. [2]

The Environmental Protection Agency has quietly claimed that it has the authority to unilaterally garnish the wages of individuals who have been accused of violating its rules.

According to The Washington Times, the agency announced the plan to enhance its purview last week in a notice in the Federal Register. The notice claimed that federal law allows the EPA to “garnish non-Federal wages to collect delinquent non-tax debts owed the United States without first obtaining a court order.”

Got it?

No court order required.  No due process.

Simply a government agency that claims you owe it money, without any sort of examination of the truth of the original claim.

You deserve this America, because you have repeatedly sat for rank violations of the black letter of our Constitution when they favored whatever you wanted, or when it was “someone else” who was harmed.

Now it’s your turn.

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Contributed by Karl Denninger of Market Ticker [4].

Karl Denninger - Leverage [5]Karl Denninger is the author of Leverage: How Cheap Money Will Destroy the World [5]. You can follow his daily commentary on capital markets at The Market Ticker [4] and his weekly Ticker Guy Blog Talk Radio [6] broadcasts.

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[2] Don’t say you weren’t warned — you were, and you sat on your ass.:

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[4] Market Ticker:

[5] Image:,descCd-buy.html

[6] Ticker Guy Blog Talk Radio:


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Re: Due Process? Naw, Not Any More
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2014, 11:55:57 pm »
yes it does, and Congress gave it that power a few years ago.  the fix here is getting Congress to change the law, not complaining that this is just another instance of EPA overreach.