Author Topic: BOMBSHELL: Leaked Memo Shows Barack Obama Lied About Border Crisis  (Read 281 times)

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BOMBSHELL: Leaked Memo Shows Barack Obama Lied About Border Crisis

Author:  Editor

Posted: July 9, 2014

Comments: 1


A recent bombshell memo leaked from the Department of Homeland Security indicates that public assertions made recently by the administration has been anything but truthful. Obama likes to claim he has deported more illegal immigrants than any president, but this breaking story paints a different picture.

Much of the information contained in the memo, leaked by a confidential source on the inside, demonstrates the immigration crisis is actually worse than the media reports, and the government’s refusal to deport unaccompanied minors who come into the country.

The report, identified as “De-Classified” and “Law Enforcement Sensitive,” reveals the fact that only 0.1 percent of the Central American minors illegally entering the U.S. having been deported in Fiscal Year 2013, down from two percent prior, plays a significant role in why the current border crisis is occurring.

The DHS-ICE agency report admits the fact that 98 percent are allowed to stay is a significant draw for the minors to come into the United States. The agency acknowledges that conditions in Central America play a role in why the wave is occurring, but directly contradicts the assertion that such conditions are the only significant reason the crisis exists. The report directly contradicts any assertion U.S. government refusals to deport illegal immigrants is not a significant factor in why the crisis is occurring.

The report further reveals that Central American nations are doing little to curb the flow of illegal immigration to the U.S. and attributes the lack of efforts in the host nations to stop the flow to the nations wanting their nationals to send money back home from the United States. The report also indicates that family members from the host nations already residing in the U.S. is a major draw for the current crisis. This indicates that illegal aliens already within the U.S. are possibly drawing more to illegally migrate north.

The report states:

Migration pull factors include reunification with family members already in the United States and successful migration attempts; that is, most (98 percent) OTM UCs are issued a Notice to Appear and not immediately removed from the United States. Last year, only 1,700 UCs were repatriated to their home countries.” The report also clarifies the statement: HSI-Intel assesses with high confidence that reunification with family members already in the United States continues to be a pull factor for UCs from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

The report also states:

No single factor causes OTM UC migration to the United States. Rather, several factors combine to cause this, including poor economies and violence in home countries, potential employment opportunities in the United States, family reunification, and success at not being immediately repatriated drive OTM UC migration to the United States.

via Brandon Darby

Here is a link to the full leaked document.

This is outrageous! It seems shamefully clear from the data in the report that Obama is helping to create this crisis to further his own political agenda (vote pandering!), with little regard for the safety of the children crossing the border or the communities where these illegals are being shipped. This is inhumane, and against the supposed core of what liberals profess to believe.

Actions also need to be taken immediately to enforce the law and start mass deporting the thousands of illegals who have crossed over into America, and then armed military patrols need to be deployed to shut down the border in order to bring this government created crisis. It is time to secure our borders!

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