Author Topic: Jim DeMint On Obama Immigration Policy: ‘It’s Hard To Trust This President To Enforce The Law’ [VIDEO]  (Read 263 times)

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Jim DeMint On Obama Immigration Policy: ‘It’s Hard To Trust This President To Enforce The Law’ [VIDEO]

Posted By Ariel Cohen On 11:24 PM 07/09/2014 In | No Comments

During an interview on FOX News following President Barack Obama’s speech in Texas, former U.S senator and current President of the Heritage Foundation Jim DeMint stated that the White House is taking a dishonest, indirect approach towards immigration reform.

“Greta, I found this statement extraordinarily dishonest,” DeMint said, “So there are so many things I want to respond to as we were saying right before he came on. Illegal crossings had gone down until 201, the year before, 6500 unaccompanied minors had been apprehended. But in 2012, the president did something extraordinary with this DACA executive order which basically said if you are from Central America and you are a minor you get here, you can you stay or at least the process to send you home.”

The 2008 immigration law was designed to reduce human trafficking. DeMint believes the law was related to many loopholes which the government needs to fix.

“The real damage that was done by the president’s executive order in 2012 and since then we went from 6500 to 36,000 in 2013 this year we anticipate 80,000. So the president sent invitation and we know that human traffickers throughout Central America are using the president’s pledge of amnesty to actually get these payments to bring these kids here,” DeMint said.

The executive order that provoked this was called the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which essentially said that if a Central American child arrives in the United States, they cannot be returned in the expedited fashion.

“So the president did essentially send an invitation what we sue now, Greta is a small taste of what happens when you start talking about amnesty,” DeMint said, “and the president mentioned there that if we pass this comprehensive amnesty, immigration bill that it’s going to fix the problem. We know it will make it worse”

When Greta van Susteran asked the former Senator why comprehensive immigration reform cannot also include securing the border, and thus, appease both the agendas of the Republicans and the Democrats.

DeMint confirmed that security is the main concerns with the Republicans, but said that he would be wary about this kind of immigration because “It’s hard to trust this president to enforce the law.”

“What you see here is the president is trying to make this a fight between him and Congress,” DeMint said, “The only thing is for congress to give him more money when, in fact, he has a half trillion dollars in his budget for domestic security which includes border security and the congress now is considering appropriations for next year that began in October. he doesn’t need an emergency bill right now. He has got the flexibility to act in every area that he is talking about.”

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