Author Topic: Most Americans Pessimistic about 2015 Job Market  (Read 277 times)

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Most Americans Pessimistic about 2015 Job Market
« on: July 09, 2014, 06:03:28 pm »

Most Americans Pessimistic about 2015 Job Market

Posted 8 hours ago by Dave Jolly Filed under Jobs

How optimistic are you about the job market and unemployment rates for 2015?

Do you think the current government unemployment rates are accurate?

Do you know anyone that is out of work? If so, are they actively looking for work? Are they receiving unemployment benefits or have their benefits run out?

My answers are: No, I am not optimistic about the job market or unemployment rates for 2015. No, I do not think the current government unemployment rates are accurate because they do not reflect the millions of unemployed that have exhausted their unemployment benefits or those who have given up an active search for a job. Yes, I know several people out of work including my wife. Yes, she is actively seeking work and she is currently receiving unemployment benefits. However, my neighbor is also out of work and exhausted his benefits last year. Another neighbor is also out of work and not receiving benefits.

Rasmussen Reports asked a number of people similar questions in a recent survey. When asked if they thought unemployment would be lower a year from now, 23% said it will be lower, 32% said higher and 35% think it will be about the same.

When asked about knowing someone out of work, 70% responded that they know of such a person. When asked if they knew of anyone who has given up looking for work out of frustration, 43% said yes.

When asked how enthusiastic they were about the current job market, only 25% think it’s better than a year ago, 27% said it’s worse than a year ago and 43% believe it’s about the same as it was a year ago.

Not surprising, men are more pessimistic about the job market than women are with 36% of the men saying they expect unemployment to be higher next year and only 29% of the women believe it will be higher.

Lastly, the older the person responding to the survey, the more then believed unemployment will be higher next year.

I guess the outlook could be worse, but it is far from being brighter. Let’s face it, under Obamanomics and his many failed economic and job related policies, only a minority of Americans see the future brighter next year. The majority believe it will be the same or worse, indicating that few people have any faith in Obama or Congress.