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Harry Reid Apparently Thinks Clarence Thomas Is White
« on: July 09, 2014, 09:28:07 am »
- The Daily Caller - -

Harry Reid Apparently Thinks Clarence Thomas Is White

Posted By Chuck Ross On 1:14 AM 07/09/2014 In | No Comments

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is so angry over the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in the Hobby Lobby contraception case last week that he apparently forgot Justice Clarence Thomas is black.

The Nevada Democrat lamented the court’s ruling which allows Hobby Lobby and other for-profit companies with religious objections to certain forms of contraception to avoid providing them to employees in health insurance plans mandated under Obamacare.

Hobby Lobby approves of 16 out of 20 forms of contraception that have been approved by the FDA.

“People are going to have to walk down here and vote, and if they vote with the five men on the Supreme Court, I think it’s — they’re going to have — be treated unfavorably come November with the elections,” Reid told reporters on Tuesday, according to ABC.

The Senate will act soon to “ensure that women’s lives are not determined by virtue of five white men,” Reid added.

But his reference to “five white men” was off by 20 percent.

Only four of the male justices who sided with Hobby Lobby — John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy — are white. The other — Clarence Thomas — is black.

In his comments Tuesday, Reid challenged Republican senators to cast a vote in favor of a legislative fix that he and other Democrats will soon be pushing. A vote against the proposal, claims Reid, will hurt the GOP at the polls in November.

The effort, which will be led by Democratic U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, will seek to fill the “contraceptive coverage gap” for women whose companies, citing religious principles, choose not to provide coverage for contraceptives.

Reid has said that the Senate will act “in coming weeks.”

Reid has made insensitive remarks about race in the past. He apologized for comments he made during the 2008 presidential campaign when he said that then-Senator Obama being “light-skinned” in appearance and “with no Negro dialect” would benefit him in the election.

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