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Inside the jealous feud between the Obamas and ‘Hildebeest’ Clintons
By Edward Klein
June 21, 2014 | 6:48pm
NY Post
Outwardly, they put on a show of unity — but privately, the Obamas and Clintons, the two power couples of the Democrat Party, loathe each other.

“I hate that man Obama more than any man I’ve ever met, more than any man who ever lived,” Bill Clinton said to friends on one occasion, adding he would never forgive Obama for suggesting he was a racist during the 2008 campaign.

The feeling is mutual. Obama made ­excuses not to talk to Bill, while the first lady privately sniped about Hillary.

On most evenings, Michelle Obama and her trusted adviser, Valerie Jarrett, met in a quiet corner of the White House residence. They’d usually open a bottle of Chardonnay, catch up on news about Sasha and Malia, and gossip about people who gave them heartburn.

Their favorite bête noire was Hillary Clinton, whom they nicknamed “Hildebeest,” after the menacing and shaggy-maned gnu that roams the Serengeti.

‘Michelle could be president’

The animosity came to a head in the run-up to the 2012 election, when Obama’s inner circle insisted he needed the former president’s support to win. Obama finally telephoned Bill Clinton in September 2011 and invited him out for a round of golf.

“I’m not going to enjoy this,” Bill told Hillary when they gathered with a group of friends and political associates at Whitehaven, their neo-Georgian home on Embassy Row in Washington, DC.

“I’ve had two successors since I left the White House — Bush and Obama — and I’ve heard more from Bush, asking for my advice, than I’ve heard from Obama. I have no relationship with the president — none whatsoever,” Clinton said.

“I really can’t stand the way Obama ­always seems to be hectoring when he talks to me,” Clinton added, according to someone who was present at the gathering and spoke on the condition of anonymity. “Sometimes we just stare at each other. It’s pretty damn awkward. Now we both have favors to ask each other, and it’s going to be very unpleasant. But I’ve got to get this guy to owe me and to be on our side.”

During the golf game, Clinton didn’t waste any time reminding Obama that as president he had presided over eight years of prosperity, while Obama had been unable to dig the country out of the longest financial ­doldrums since the Great Depression.

“Bill got into it right away,” said a Clinton family friend. “He told Obama, ‘Hillary and I are gearing up for a run in 2016.’ He said Hillary would be ‘the most qualified, most experienced candidate, perhaps in history.’ His reference to Hillary’s experience made Obama wince, since it was clearly a shot at his lack of experience when he ran for president.

“And so Bill continued to talk about Hillary’s qualifications . . . and the coming campaign in 2016. But Barack didn’t bite. He changed the subject several times. Then suddenly, Barack said something that took Bill by complete surprise. He said, ‘You know, Michelle would make a great presidential candidate, too.’

“Bill was speechless. Was Barack comparing Michelle’s qualifications to Hillary’s? Bill said that if he hadn’t been on a mission to strike a deal with Barack, he might have stormed off the golf course then and there.”

Blackberry snub

Bill Clinton would go on to campaign for Obama in 2012, but he felt betrayed when the president seemed to waver when it came to a 2016 endorsement of Hillary. Obama attempted to smooth things over with a joint “60 Minutes” interview with Hillary, and later a private dinner for the two couples at the White House.

‘I hate that man Obama more than any man I’ve ever met, more than any man who ever lived.’

 - Bill Clinton in 'Blood Feud'

And so, on March 1, 2013 — the very day that the $85 billion in budget cuts known as the “sequester” went into effect — the Clintons slipped unnoticed into the White House and sat down for dinner with the Obamas in the Residence.

Typically, once Obama decided to do something (for example, the surge in Afghanistan), he immediately had second thoughts, and his behavior during dinner degenerated from moody to grumpy to bad-tempered.

After the obligatory greetings and small talk about family, Obama asked Bill what he thought about the sequester: Would it turn out to be a political plus for him? Bill went into a long — and boring — lecture about the issue.

To change the subject, Hillary asked Michelle if it was true, as she had heard, that the first lady was thinking about running for the Senate from Illinois.

Michelle said that she was warming to the idea, though she had yet to make up her mind.

Bill shot Hillary a look of incredulity.

Bill then moved the conversation to Obama’s vaunted 2012 campaign ­organization. He told Obama that it would be a good idea to fold the organization, along with all its digital and social-media bells and whistles, into the Democratic National Committee.

Obama’s only response was a disparaging smile.

“You have to use your organization to aid the candidate in 2016,” Bill pressed Obama.

“Really?” Obama replied in a tone of undisguised sarcasm.

The two men went back and forth over the subject of where the money for Obama’s campaign organization had come from and how to allocate funds for the 2016 presidential election. Bill raised his voice. So did Obama.

As Bill Clinton went on about his managerial experience, Obama began playing with his Blackberry under the table, making it plain that he wasn’t paying attention to anything Clinton had to say. He was intentionally snubbing Clinton. ...
Much more at NY Post
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Hillary’s health issues are much worse than she lets on: book
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2014, 12:34:13 pm »
Hillary’s health issues are much worse than she lets on: book
Joe Tacopino, NY Post
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s health issues are drastically worse than she has revealed publicly — and the potential presidential candidate tried to keep her medical information private for fear that it would damage her bid for the White House in 2016, according to a new book.

The 66-year-old former secretary of state has suffered more fainting spells than publicly known, is prone to have blood clots, and may be at serious risk of a stroke, according to the book, “Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas,” by Edward Klein.

The medical scare that forced Clinton to be rushed to New York-Presby­terian Hospital on Dec. 30, 2013, revealed how serious the situation is.

“She has to be carefully monitored for the rest of her life,” doctors warned former President Bill Clinton before Hillary was released from the hospital, according to the book.

The book claims Hillary was taken to New York­Presbyterian after a fainting spell and concussion that she suffered in her seventh-floor office at the State Department — not at her home, as claimed.

Hillary was initially treated at a State Department facility and was transferred to her home to recover. Bill Clinton, however, insisted Hillary be flown to New York City and be treated by specialists there, Klein claims.

During her visit to the Manhattan hospital, the presumed 2016 Democratic front-runner was diagnosed with several problems, including the clots.  Hillary had a right transverse venous thrombosis, or a blood clot, between her brain and skull.

“The unique thing about clotting in the brain is that it could have transformed into a stroke,” a cardiac specialist with knowledge of Hillary’s condition says in the book.

The clots are especially a threat while flying, when blood pools while sitting, and she did a lot of flying while at the State Department.

In addition to a 2005 fainting spell during a speech in Buffalo, Hillary also fainted while boarding her plane in Yemen in 2009, which caused her to fall and fracture her elbow.

Meanwhile, coming after Hillary’s recent comments that she was “dead broke” when she left the White House, she played the poor card again, telling The Guardian that she is not “truly well off” when compared to the super rich.

“We pay ordinary income tax,” she told the paper, “unlike a lot of people who are truly well off, not to name names; and we’ve done it through dint of hard work.”
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Klein explains what happened the night of the Benghazi attack — and Hillary's reaction.

Clinton bristled at Benghazi deception
By Edward Klein
NY Post
June 22, 2014 | 2:32am
By 10 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, when Hillary Clinton received a call from President Obama, she was one of the most thoroughly briefed officials in Washington on the unfolding disaster in Benghazi, Libya.

She knew that Ambassador Christopher Stevens and a communications operator were dead, and that the attackers had launched a well-coordinated mortar assault on the CIA annex, which would cost the lives of two more Americans.

She had no doubt that a terrorist attack had been launched against America on the anniversary of 9/11. However, when Hillary picked up the phone and heard Obama’s voice, she learned the president had other ideas in mind. With less than two months before Election Day, he was still boasting that he had al Qaeda on the run.

If the truth about Benghazi became known, it would blow that argument out of the water.

“Hillary was stunned when she heard the president talk about the Benghazi attack,” one of her top legal advisers said in an interview. “Obama wanted her to say that the attack had been a spontaneous demonstration triggered by an obscure video on the Internet that demeaned the Prophet Mohammed.”

This adviser continued: “Hillary told Obama, ‘Mr. President, that story isn’t credible. Among other things, it ignores the fact that the attack occurred on 9/11.’ But the president was adamant. He said, ‘Hillary, I need you to put out a State Department release as soon as possible.’”

After her conversation with the president, Hillary called Bill Clinton, who was at his penthouse apartment in the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, and told him what Obama wanted her to do.

“I’m sick about it,” she said, according to the legal adviser, who was filled in on the conversation.

“That story won’t hold up,” Bill said. “I know,” Hillary said. “I told the president that.” “It’s an impossible story,” Bill said. “I can’t believe the president is claiming it wasn’t terrorism. Then again, maybe I can. It looks like Obama isn’t going to allow anyone to say that terrorism has occurred on his watch.”

Hillary’s legal adviser provided further detail: “During their phone call, Bill started playing with various doomsday scenarios, up to and including the idea that Hillary consider resigning as secretary of state over the issue. But both he and Hillary quickly agreed that resigning wasn’t a realistic option.

If her resignation hurt Obama’s chances of winning re-election, her fellow Democrats would never forgive her. Hillary was already thinking of running for president in 2016, and her political future, as well as Obama’s, hung in the balance.”

Obama had put Hillary in a corner, and she and Bill didn’t see a way out. And so, shortly after 10 o’clock on the night of September 11, she released an official statement that blamed the Benghazi attack on an “inflammatory (video) posted on the Internet.”

The Benghazi Deception was in full swing.
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More on the 'beeste's health, kind of:
Exactly How Hard Did Hillary Bump Her Head?
by Keith Koffler on June 23, 2014, 9:30 am

Hillary Clinton’s most recent gaffe on her ill-fated book tour begs the question: Is she fully revered from banging her head?

Has she banged it again since?

Oh, I guess I don’t really think her December 2012 head injury is affecting her performance as she tries to promote her leaden account of her years as Secretary of State. Although anything’s possible. But I’m at a loss to explain how someone so intelligent, who has been around politics her entire adult life, could be operating so ham-handedly.

Rather than cementing her status as the front runner by reintroducing her to the public as a warm, cuddly Hillary, the book tour has eroded the sense of inevitability she strutted around with just a few weeks ago.

The latest bizarre episode on her itinerary of woes is a doubling down of her claim she left the White House is financial tatters with an assertion that she is not “truly well off.” From an interview with the Guardian newspaper:
America’s glaring income inequality is certain to be a central bone of contention in the 2016 presidential election. But with her huge personal wealth, how could Clinton possibly hope to be credible on this issue when people see her as part of the problem, not its solution?

“But they don’t see me as part of the problem,” she protests, “because we pay ordinary income tax, unlike a lot of people who are truly well off, not to name names; and we’ve done it through dint of hard work,” she says, letting off another burst of laughter.

Really, I guess she has lived in gilded towers of one kind or another for so long that she doesn’t understand how she is perceived. I gather she has been unwilling, in her own mind, to abandon her 1970s self-image as a middle class gal trying to make some cash and do some good within the oppressive capitalist system.

Don’t worry Hillary. There may be hard times ahead, trying figure out how to make it work with that $100 million-plus you and your husband have grabbed off the personal-appearance money tree the last few years.

But girl, you’re gonna make it after all.
Another burst of cackling, you mean.
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I don't know. There's just too much here. It sounds like old Ed knows how to sell books.

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Klein explains what happened the night of the Benghazi attack — and Hillary's reaction.

Clinton bristled at Benghazi deception
By Edward Klein
NY Post
June 22, 2014 | 2:32am

Yeah, she was ready with dagger in her teeth and swashbuckled, blouse and boots.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

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Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2014, 07:27:32 pm »

Hillary Clinton called President Obama “incompetent and feckless” and charged that he had “no hand on the tiller half the time” during a boozy reunion with college pals, a new book claims.

The scathing attacks came as the wine was flowing at a May 2013 dinner at Le Jardin Du Roi, a cozy French bistro near the Clinton family home in Westchester, according to “Blood Feud,” by best-selling author Edward Klein.

The former first lady, months removed from being Obama’s secretary of state, unleashed the verbal assault between sips of vino, sources told the author.

“When her friends asked Hillary to tell them what she thought — really thought — about the president she had served for four draining years, she lit into Obama with a passion that surprised them all,” Klein wrote.

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Re: Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2014, 07:30:51 pm »
Just luv this photo of her. Should be posted all over.


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Re: Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2014, 02:48:06 am »
wish someone had gotten it on tape.

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Re: Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2014, 03:12:37 am »


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Re: Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2014, 03:14:19 am »


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Hillary Called Obama ‘Incompetent And Feckless’ In Drunken Rant
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2014, 12:33:10 pm »

(NY Post) -- Hillary Clinton called President Obama “incompetent and feckless” and charged that he had “no hand on the tiller half the time” during a boozy reunion with college pals, a new book claims.

The scathing attacks came as the wine was flowing at a May 2013 dinner at Le Jardin Du Roi, a cozy French bistro near the Clinton family home in Westchester, according to “Blood Feud,” by best-selling author Edward Klein.

The former first lady, months removed from being Obama’s secretary of state, unleashed the verbal assault between sips of vino, sources told the author.

“When her friends asked Hillary to tell them what she thought — really thought — about the president she had served for four draining years, she lit into Obama with a passion that surprised them all,” Klein wrote.

Clinton ranted, “The thing with Obama is that he can’t be bothered, and there is no hand on the tiller half the time. That’s the story of the Obama presidency. No hand on the f–king tiller,” according to the book, which was excerpted exclusively in Sunday’s Post.

“Obama has turned into a joke,” she went on, according to Klein.

“The IRS targeting the Tea Party, the Justice Department’s seizure of AP phone records and [Fox reporter] James Rosen’s e-mails — all these scandals. Obama’s allowed his hatred for his enemies to screw him the way Nixon did,” she raged, the book says, adding that she called the president “incompetent and feckless.”

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Re: Hillary Called Obama ‘Incompetent And Feckless’ In Drunken Rant
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2014, 01:35:27 pm »
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

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Re: Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2014, 04:35:53 pm »
The next generation ...

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Re: Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2014, 11:45:22 pm »
In vino veritas.
The universe doesn't hate you. Unless your name is Tsutomu Yamaguchi

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Re: Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2014, 02:04:40 am »
[[ “I really can’t stand the way Obama ­always seems to be hectoring when he talks to me,” Clinton added...]]

So.... it's the same when Obama talks to everyone else, with one exception.

I'll bet that he doesn't hector Valerie...   ;)

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Re: Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2014, 11:33:01 am »
[[ “I really can’t stand the way Obama ­always seems to be hectoring when he talks to me,” Clinton added...]]

So.... it's the same when Obama talks to everyone else, with one exception.

I'll bet that he doesn't hector Valerie...   ;)
More like, "Yes, mommy. Whatever you say, mommy."
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Re: Hillary called Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in boozy rant
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2014, 01:37:36 pm »
Hillary Clinton's Inner Circle Calls This Man The Most 'Despicable' Person In The World
by Hunter Walker
Business Insider via Yahoo Finance
July 8, 2014
Author Ed Klein has published hundreds of pages of attacks on President Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary Clinton.

On Monday, as Klein's latest "exposé" of the former first family topped Hillary's memoir on the bestseller list , a source close to the Clintons fired back with a scathing, lengthy email to Business Insider blasting Klein as a pathological liar.

"This might sound hyperbolic, but there is no bigger liar in the entire world," the source said of Klein. "Lying isn't even the word for it. It's some kind of sickness where every single thing you write is fabricated. Every. Single. Thing.  I mean, even the photos in his book were found to be altered."

Klein, who made headlines last weekend with a questionable article in Sunday's New York Post in which he claimed President Barack Obama is backing Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren rather than Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, would not discuss criticism of his work when Business Insider called him Monday. Instead, he repeatedly referred us to his publicist, Jeremy Little, who provided us with a three sentence statement from Klein defending his reporting.

"In typical Clinton fashion, when people can’t handle or respond to the truth, they attack the messenger," Klein said.

Klein also cited a Wall Street Journal report published Monday that described Hillary Clinton, who is widely viewed as the Democratic frontrunner for 2016, distancing herself from some of the Obama administration's policies. He implied this proved his claim Obama " has quietly promised Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren complete support if she runs for president."

"Reports surfaced this morning that Hillary Clinton is deliberately separating herself from the Obamas and their agenda. This is why, as I reported yesterday in the New York Post, the Obamas are searching for a new candidate for 2016 who is willing to carry on their legacy," Klein said.

However, there is a long history of alleged factual issues in Klein's work. As the source close to the Clintons noted,  a photographer released evidence showing Klein misrepresented a salaciously cropped photo of President Clinton in his 2005 book, "The Truth About Hillary." That's just one of many problems  that emerged from the book where Klein cast Hillary Clinton as " the most polarizing figure in American politics."

The Clinton confidante described Klein's writing about Hillary as "creepy."

"We have had to contend with all sorts of dastardly characters over the years, being a bad actor isn't unique in this business. But there is a special circle of hell reserved for his combination of pathological lying, hate, and just flat out creepiness," the source said of Klein, adding, " But he's got a good gig. He sits in his creepy lair and once every few years bangs out another pack of lies, doesn't have to bother with any nettlesome issues that get in the way, like sources or facts."

After writing  "The Truth About Hillary," Klein moved on to President Barack Obama.

Klein co-authored "The Obama Identity" in 2010. It was a fictional work that delved into the widely debunked conspiracy theories about Obama's birthplace. In 2012, Klein released "The Amateur," which attempted to expose Obama as "a callow, thin-skinned, arrogant president with messianic dreams of grandeur supported by a cast of true-believers, all of them united by leftist politics and an amateurish understanding of executive leadership." New York Magazine subsequently found an error on the book's very first page.

In addition to specific factual errors, Klein's political books have been widely criticized for their widespread reliance on anonymous sources to provide detailed behind-the-scenes stories from Obama and the Clintons' inner circles. These accounts have included shocking revelations and conversations that people on all sides of the political spectrum have described as improbable.

Klein's latest book, "Blood Feud," purports to reveal " the mutual loathing" that he claims exists between Obama and Hillary Clinton, the president's former secretary of state.  Multiple close Obama allies did not respond to requests for comment on Klein including Valerie Jarrett, the senior White House advisor Klein claimed was leading the " full-court press" to convince Warren to challenge Hillary Clinton in 2016. An aide to Jarrett responded to an email from Business Insider by pointing to comments  White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest made about Klein's claims Obama was pushing Warren to run for president.

"At this point it’s still in the middle of 2014," Earnest said. "I’m not aware of any particular positions or candidates — or all that much thinking, to be honest with you — that the president has done as it relates to the next presidential elections. I haven’t actually seen those reports."

Earnest may not have seen reports based on Klein's claims, but they have been generating substantial media coverage. However, the source close to the Clintons argued Klein doesn't get as much attention as he did when he wrote his first book about Hillary.

" On it getting traction, I don't think he gets much anymore. When he did this in 05 people thought, Wow, he's a former NYT Magazine editor, he's reputable. It was a real fight to keep him off mainstream air," the source explained. "But as soon as people read any of it, it was absurd. I mean, he contends that Chelsea Clinton was conceived in a rape. He'll claim he didn't say that, but go back and read the chapter. It is nothing short of despicable."

The questions raised about Klein's work over the years do seem to have affected his standing in the mainstream media. In April, Buzzfeed reported the major publishing house HarperCollins terminated its contract with Klein due to concerns about his reporting. Both "The Amateur" and "Blood Feud" were published by a smaller, conservative publishing house, Regnery. In addition to his past roles as an editor at Newsweek and the New York Times Magazine in the 1970's and 80's, Klein has been a contributing editor at Vanity Fair, which excerpted both " The Truth About Hillary" and  "The Obama Identity." Vanity Fair spokeswoman Beth Kseniak told Business Insider Klein is still with the magazine, however, " we are not excerpting Ed's current book."

According to the Clinton source who emailed Business Insider, Hillary's team was unaware of "Blood Feud" until it came out because Klein made no effort to contact them during the course of his reporting. They also said no one in Hillary's inner circle reached out to her to report being approached by Klein about the book.

" In terms of contacting us, no, he hasn't. But that's neither here or there. What's amazing is that when people work on anything, a story, a documentary, a book, you hear from SOMEONE who checks in and say, Hey, I got a call from this guy Ed Klein, are you guys cooperating with him, should I talk to him?" the source said. "In this case, not one person. Not a single solitary human being. Didn't know about the book until it came out."

The source described this apparent lack of effort by Klein to contact Hillary's team and allies as proof his new book is fabricated.

" Do you know how hard that is?" the source said of the fact they heard from no one who spoke to Klein. "It's impossible. UNLESS you are fabricating every word, in which case you don't need to talk to anyone. Which is why he didn't. I haven't even looked at the book, but I'd be curious who he quoted and whether it was an interview or if the sourcing indicates that it's taken from the public record."

Klein and his publicist did not respond to questions from Business Insider about whether he attempted to contact Hillary's team and whether this called his work into question.

The Clinton source concluded with a blunt assessment of Klein:

" I'll end by saying the same thing I started with: there is no one anywhere near this despicable. Nobody."
Oh nohs, a salaciously cropped photo!!!
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