Author Topic: Krauthammer: Obama Immigration Efforts ‘For Political Reasons … Very Cynically’  (Read 267 times)

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Krauthammer: Obama Immigration Efforts ‘For Political Reasons … Very Cynically’ [VIDEO]

Posted By Katie Frates On 9:58 PM 07/07/2014 In | No Comments

Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer slammed President Barack Obama’s political intentions regarding the flood of illegal immigrants pouring over the U.S. border Monday night, saying, “He wants to win the political argument with Hispanics, and other pro-immigration groups. And he’s doing it for political reasons, very, very cynically.”

Fox News contributor Mara Liasson started the discussion off on “Special Report with Bret Baier,” pointing out the actual intention of the 2008 immigration bill passed unanimously in Congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush: ”It was a law instituted under the Bush administration to protect children from sex trafficking,” she said.

“And voted unanimously in Congress,” Bret Baier cut in.

“Yes, from sex trafficking,” Liasson confirmed. “Clearly, if he [Obama] had to make a decision between Republicans in Congress who are asking him to deport these kids versus immigration advocates, he’s sided with the immigration advocates.”

“Clearly the country is not setup to have 52,193 deportation hearings quickly,” Baier said.

Krauthammer chimed in, agreeing with Liasson’s assessment: “It [the law] was intended for sex trafficking, it was intended for a small numbers of kids. And it made a lot of sense,” he said. “It was never intended for a mass influx.”

He then attacked the argument that deportation is “inhumane,” arguing that that is exactly what we do for Mexicans, and no one gets upset.

“And people are yelling it would be so inhumane, inhumane to return them. Well that’s is exactly what the law is for Mexicans, for Canadians, so if it’s inhumane, why haven’t you heard a protest about the return of kids who come in from Mexico? It was intended for something else.”

“Obama is clearly making the statement, indirectly, by that story you just gave from AP — and through his homeland security secretary, who refused to answer about deportation — that he is opening the doors of America to this influx.” (RELATED: Obama’s Deputy Gives Wishy-Washy, Noncommittal Answers About Illegal Children And Border Security)

“It will double, it will triple,” Krauthammer continued.

“He obviously was never serious,” Krauthammer concluded. “I don’t think he’s lost on this. I think he knows what to do. He wants to win the political argument with Hispanics, and other pro-immigration groups. And he’s doing it for political reasons, very, very cynically.” (RELATED: Obama Evades Murrieta Protests Over Border Breakdown)

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