Author Topic: Muslim Taxi Driver Murdered 19-Year-Old Israeli Teen Girl in Terrorist Attack  (Read 371 times)

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Muslim Taxi Driver Murdered 19-Year-Old Israeli Teen Girl in Terrorist Attack

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On July 6, 2014 @ 10:58 am In The Point | 10 Comments

The family of Shelly Dadon recently met with the family of one of the three murdered Israeli teens.

Family members of Shelly Dadon, the 19-year-old from Afula who was murdered on May 1, traveled to the town of Elad on Thursday to make a consolation visit to the family of Eyal Yifrah, himself a 19-year-old who was murdered by Hamas terrorists on June 12.

“Shelly, Eyal, Naftali and Gilad aren’t with us. There’s a hole in the heart, but there’s also hope. The people of Israel is going through a period that isn’t easy. I look at the pictures of Eyal and cry. I know that things are good for him now and good for Shelly too; I feel that in my heart,” stated Iris.

Now the Muslim terrorist who killed her has finally confessed.

Police and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) arrested a taxi driver from the Arab village of Iblin in the Galilee, on suspicion that he carried out the murder for “nationalistic” reasons.

The suspect, named as 38-year-old Hassin Yousef Hassin Khalifah, subsequently confessed under police interrogation to committing the murder, and even reconstructed the crime for police.

Shelly Danon left her home to Migdal Ha’emek on May 1 for what she thought was a job interview. A few hours later, her body was found in a parking lot in Migdal Ha’emek.

Dadon was found with stab wounds on her body. She apparently was in the middle of a phone call with her cousin at the time of the murder.

While on the phone, Shelly said “there is someone scary here, I’m being strangled!”

According to the Shin Bet, Khalifah picked his victim up when she hailed his taxi to take her to a job interview in the industrial zone of Migdal Ha’emek. He then stabbed Dadon to death, and fled in his taxi to dispose of the body.

Ya’akov Dadon, the victim’s father, said: ”I stand here in front of her grave fresh, and refuse to believe. This tragedy happened to us.  Our flower, our angel, the princess of the house is gone. She was killed before her time.”

Rabbi Yitzhak David Grossman, the rabbi of Migdal Haemek who spoke at the funeral, said, “Her only sin was being Jewish.”

* Shelly’s age in various reports is given as 19 or 20.

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