Author Topic: Manual of Mental Disorders Selling Better Than Hillary Clinton Book  (Read 268 times)

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Manual of Mental Disorders Selling Better Than Hillary Clinton Book

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On July 4, 2014 @ 11:22 am In The Point | 10 Comments

DSM V arguably contains a much more accurate biography of Hillary Clinton, though you have to skim a bit to get to the relevant parts. No wonder it’s selling better than Hard Choices.

Other things outselling Hillary’s Hard Choices include Edward Klein’s Blood Feud, Little Blue Truck Board Book and 1984. All better choices for understanding Hillary.

Hillary Clinton’s most recent memoir is not doing so well. Hard Choices sold only 26,000 copies in its third week on the market, down 46 percent from the previous week.

With 160K sold and Hillary desperately trying to peddle copies in the UK while embarrassing herself with her ignorance, this disaster just keeps getting more disastrous.

CBS, run by a Hillary supporter, won’t demand the advance back, but it caps the series of gaffes and mishaps that characterized the book rollout and most importantly raises serious questions about Hillary’s image as the inevitable candidate.

If people don’t want to buy her book, that suggests low enthusiasm, which is key for an increasingly unpopular party relying on passionate turnout among its base. Hillary needs a base that will be as addicted to her as black women were to Obama.

Hard Choices suggests she doesn’t have that base.

But what difference does it make anyway?


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