Author Topic: How Tone-Deaf is Hillary Clinton? Check Out What She’s Doing On the Fourth of July.  (Read 462 times)

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How Tone-Deaf is Hillary Clinton? Check Out What She’s Doing On the Fourth of July.

Posted By Bryan Preston On July 2, 2014 @ 7:40 am In News,Politics | 30 Comments

In a couple of days, Americans will fire off fireworks, drink beer, grill meats and celebrate the Fourth of July — America’s birthday.

What is the Fourth of July all about? It’s not the date on which the United States actually won its freedom. It’s Independence Day, right? But independence from whom?

Fourth of July is the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the document in which the United States of America declared itself independent from King George III and the Britain that he ruled. Prior to that, we were British colonies. The Declaration of Independence declares America’s independence from Britain — July 4, 1776.

Hillary Clinton is expected to run for the office of President of the United States in 2016. She’s being coy about it, but…she’s running.

But on Independence Day 2014, Clinton prefers the company of the British. She’s sitting for an interview with the Guardian — one of Britain’s largest (and most unabashedly leftwing, and more than occasional America-bashing) newspapers.

What one thing should we ask Hillary Clinton? Ahead of an exclusive video interview with former US secretary of state, Guardian readers have the opportunity to get involved. The former first lady won’t speculate on whether she will run for president in 2016, but maybe you want to know more about her position on the situation in Iraq? Or the US military’s use of drone strikes?

The interview will take place on 4 July 2014 and will appear on

Hillary couldn’t sit for the interview on the 3rd? Or the 5th? Any other day? She just had to talk to the bloody British on the Fourth of July?

Also read: 

EPA Water Rule Could Extinguish July Fourth Celebrations, Warn Senators

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What do you expect her to do?  Stay home and bake cookies?